One wonders why Alvin remains Southern Baptist
He isn't a Southern Baptist...he's a troll. He is lying to you and all of us about his concerns. It is painfully obvious. "Slavery" as an never specifically condemned in the Scriptures. That's apparent to anyone who cares to research the topic..
The problem is the particular (racially motivated) form of slavery as practiced in the United States in that particular century.
In that period:
"Slaves" could be
born into that status..(and that isn't Scriptural)
"Slaves" were
NEVER capable of gaining "freedom" (also not Scriptural)
"Slavery" (in the Scriptures) was essentially a system of indentured servitude recognized by any and all civilizations at that time as a legitimate legal contract.
"Slavery" (in the Scriptures) included the "year of jubilee" wherein anyone who was a "slave" was automatically set free...this was not practiced in the U.S. in that period.
The SBC was "RIGHT" in the sense that the Scriptures
DO NOT condemn "Slavery"...they were "wrong" in that "Slavery" as practiced in the United States and other places in that particular era wasn't even remotely similar to the "slavery" as out-lined in Jewish Law.
since he has a problem with its past and also its present. He doesn't like the position on homosexuality, for instance.
This is because "Alvin" is clearly NOT a "Baptist" or in any way a "believer"...he is a troll and one who seeks to under-mine.
Do you SERIOUSLY believe that he is just the "humble old preacher" that he presents himself as????
Nope....he's a "WOLF" and he is in "Sheep's clothing" and it's insanely obvious.
I disagree with the denomination's stance on women pastors, and I have a few more doctrinal disagreements. And yet this is one of the few major denominations that has stood and continues to stand for traditional Christian morality. It is strongly pro-life, as am I. I applaud it for its stances on morals and the family
I appreciate where you are here...
I haven't read the entire thread....I "used" YOUR response as a point to "but-in" so-to-speak...I was not responding to
"YOU" per se.. I just couldn't stand reading three more pages before I got my two cents in.