The use of the word boast is your false characterization not theirs. So your premise is false. Your strawmen is based on your bad theology. Saying one has a choice does not in any way negate the sovereignty of God. So your other premise is false as well.
Cals for the most part have no idea how to disagree without setting up poor definitions, false premises, and strawmen. Tom and Ann are about the only two on the board who deal with people honestly when it comes to these debates.
And your post I responded to was completely devoid of scripture and was nothing but one run on "quip".
Your logic isn't. So one has to use the word boast in order for me to point it out? What a weak argument that is, and that is your strongest argument to date.
One more time: Show in Scripture one time this attitude that he has shown. The thing is, you can't because there is no such thing within Scripture. But please, do give some Scripture for once.
As I said you don't know your Scriptures. You know what they say but not what they mean especially in this instance.
Scripture refutes the idea of choice soteriologically. It is not by choice we are saved, John 1:13; Romans 9:16. Do a little Greek word study and adjust your theology by these passages and concentrate on the meaning of
'not by determinitive choice'.
BTW your 'Cals for the most part' is a huge straw man and untrue. Many so called Cals on this site such as Aaron, Luke2427, Icon, Herald and more offer clear, concise sound answers from Scripture. I've yet to see you ever offer anything solidly Scriptural and they are typically just smart aleck responses intended to instigate. Your accusation is therefore unfounded and a straw man. Clearly it is your bias being reflected in said statement, not truth. With that in mind I'll give you some Scripture.
Scripture also refutes the idea of boasting in salvation; 1 Cor. 1:29 and this is exactly what TH has done. In fact, the entire context is in said passage
'God has chosen' -- not you, nor anyone else but God.
Lest you forget, do show one time in Scripture one boasting of his choice. Thanks.
Now, go read your Scriptures, your theology is off track and doesn't reflect sound doctrine.
As is typical you bring no sound argument. Nothing. Just pat windbag answers.
- Blessings