Hello JesusisGod2
I noticed in your profile that you do not claim to be Baptist (a Good Bible believing people). Also from the following I take it you may be Pentecostal, I do not know:
"I started going to a Pentecostal Church about 4 months ago and I'll tell ya, there is power coming from the pulpit and the membership. Now they speak in tongues but not out of turn as some who abuse this great gift."
There are BaptistBoard rules posted at the top of this forum section, this is a (Baptist Only Area):
"This is a forum for: Baptists Only. Only Baptists may post a topic or even respond. There are many other areas on the BaptistBoard for non-baptists to post to your heart's content. Topics should be only those that "don't fit" in any of the specific Forums. IF they can be moved to a more fitting place, they will be! Civility will be the norm, not "attack". Focus on the issue not the individual. Debate is encouraged! This is not just touchy-feely fellowship, but a place where every facet of an argument should be held aloft for all to see, understand, and respond to. No "hit-and-run" posts (spam) by folks not interested in sticking around and discussing the issues raised will be allowed."
It may be best to look at this section of the board as a Baptist family talk area. That being said perhaps you may wish to check out a Baptist Church in your area, you may find truth just flowing from that pulpit and a friendly membership too.
Originally posted by JesusisGod2:
"I myself dont speak in tongues and dont know if I ever will that is up to God. This dont mean I havent been baptised in the Holy Spirit it just means that I dont speak in tongues."
I agree with you on not speaking in tongues, and yet being "baptized in the Holy Spirit." But some Holy Rollers would disagree, to quote the AOG:"Speaking with tongues serves as the initial physical evidence of the baptism in the Spirit." Before some of the Charismaniacs jump on me for not stating all that these people believe, I do not plan on copying their L-o-n-g drawn out gobbledygook and posting it. But for the weaker ones, I will post a little bit of their junk.
Again from AOG
"Since the Bible teaches and demonstrates that tongues are the initial evidence of receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the Church cannot confirm the opinion of individuals until they actually speak in tongues. But neither can we depreciate a person’s special experience of the presence of the Holy Spirit of God. Such an in-between time might be described as involving a process that is completed only when the person speaks in tongues."
Ok, this Holy Roller group says: "evidence of receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the Church cannot confirm the opinion of individuals until they actually speak in tongues." Then they say: "Such an in-between time might be described as involving a process that is completed only when the person speaks in tongues." So such individuals are in a kind of LIMBO. A Pentecostal Limbo who would believe this? Not me and I hope not you, from what I read in your post.
In COLOSSIANS 2:8 "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:"
This idea of theirs is wrong, that though you may have received Christ in Salvation, you haven’t got it all. You have to have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by tongues!!! Brother when you received Christ in Salvation you got it all.
Originally posted by JesusisGod2:
"These will disappear when the perfect comes not whwn the book of revelation was complete and unless I missed it, The perfect (Jesus) hasn,t come yet."
DHK posted the answer all ready:
Originally posted by DHK:
A sound exegesis of 1Cor.13:8-13 gives us "where." Tongues ended when "that which is perfect was come," which I believe to be the completed Word of God, completed in 98 A.D. with the Book of Revelation. The Old English word "perfect" simply means "complete," as it also does in the Greek. The Bible was complete at the end of the first century.
"When that which is perfect." The pronoun "that" is in the neuter gender. It cannot refer to Jesus Christ, for then it would have been in the masculine gender. It refers to the Word. The context of the three chapters 12-14 are the discussion of spiritual gifts. In this context Paul shows how love is greater than all the spiritual gifts put together in chapter 13:1-7. In 13:8 to the end of chapter 14 he continues his discussion with spiritual gifts, this time in particular reference to those gifts which have direct bearing on revelation. All three of the gifts mentioned in 13:8 have to do with the revelation of God's Word. The discussion of tongues and prophecy in chapter 14 has to do with the revelation of God's Word. This is the context now. When the revelation of God's Word is complete we will no longer have need of these spiritual gifts mentioned in 13:8. They are temporary; love is not. Love endures forever. It is a contrast. They ended when the Word was completed. Love continues forever, though the Word is completed. Faith and hope mentioned in 13:13 are not as great as love for they also will end. They will end when we see Christ. We walk by faith and not by sight. When se see Christ we will have no more need of faith. Christ is our hope. When Christ comes, we will have no more need of hope. But these temporary sign gifts ended before then--when the Word of God was completed. They are contrasted as being of less value than faith, hope, and love, for they ceased far before the time that faith and hope will cease, and love never ceases.
Your friend Omega