Originally posted by Mike McK:
I never called you a liar.
Originally posted by Lorelei:
I have done a lot of research
Originally posted by Mike McK:
You haven't done a lot of research.
Well, I said I have done a lot of reasearch and you said I have not. So was I telling the truth or were you?
Originally posted by Mike McK:
When you're asked for proof and you present a group that's not even Christian in nature and then claim that they speak for all Christian tongue speaking groups, it's perfectly reasonable to say that you have not reasearched this properly.
No, it's not reasonable to assume anything off of one statement. Which is Why I clarified in the next post that "I have done a lot of research" on the subject. I was telling you that I am familiar with several charismatic groups. You assumed I was not telling the truth based off of one statement I have made. That is not reasonable and would not hold up in a court of law. If you are going to profess that you know how much research I have done, then get some evidence behind you.
I am not having any problems, and if you would like to continue being so adamant that you are right, please quote for me from "mainstream" charismatic groups their doctrinal beliefs that you are insisting that they hold. I have shared two quotes from two different charismatic groups and even though on other doctrinal issues they are completely different, on the issue of tongues they are very similiar. Let me clarify again, these are NOT the only two groups I am familiar with, these are just the two I have quoted. Do not be so rash to think that I know of no other charismatics that believe this way. The Church of God does as well, as well as many independant and non-denomination no name charismatics. I could find others, but there should be no need to continue to defend myself. I could find 50 that agree and it appears that you probably wouldn't care or admit that you were wrong.Originally posted by Mike McK:
Given the problems you're having understanding the diversity of tongue speaking groups, the non-essential nature of tongues, and the most basic of Christian doctrines from the heretical views of the UPC, I think that would be wise.
Note too, I am the one that has been discussing this from a scriptural viewpiont. I have been addressing what charismatics believe against what the Bible says. Your only argument seems to be that I don't know what I am talking about but you have not offered one shred of evidence, merely your opinion and experiences. My Bible doesn't tell me I have to believe Mike, It tells me that I must believe the Word and do what IT says.
Attacking a poster's knowledge on a subject is a very popular ploy to get the thread off of the subject at hand and away from the fact that the poster has no scriptural or other proof as to what they are saying.
I know I said I wouldn't post any longer, but you I wanted a chance to "defend" myself one more time since you continue to attack my knowledge and character. Now, how about speaking about "The Spirit through Pentecostals" rather than me? Which topic do you have more knowledge about? Me, whom you have never met and rarely discussed any topic with, or pentecostalism which you supposedly have experienced and research tremendously? Why not stick to what you know, because you surely do NOT know me.
The Bible says what the fruits of the Spirit are and I am still amazed that people don't realize that people professing to have the gifts seem to display so little of the fruits.