Scripture is about God revealing Himself to fallen man. Redemption history begins with God breaking through the ANE milieu with a revelation of Himself and culminates in the fullest revelation of God Himself in Christ Jesus.
I’ve been dragging out this argument to see how philosophical it would (perhaps could) go. It went far (in circles, but in big ones).
Yes, I agree (again) that man has a human spirit. No, I will not indulge the philosophical by looking for a “back door” to discover truths about pre-fallen man. I am not interested (that is philosophy).
Scripture teaches that there is life ONLY in Christ. IMHO this is an eternal truth.
We can argue about whether this relates to the body, the soul, the spirit, etc. but it really does not matter. That is the trajectory of man, not the direction Scripture takes.
I was kind of having fun here because I had already made it very clear that any theory about God that goes around Christ is, IMHO, philosophy rather than theology. But now that the thread is closing I see post after post after post quoting me and to which I will not respond (because time will not allow – I’m going to bed and in the morning will close the thread).
Y’all can, of course, have the last words. Quote some John Gill or Joel Beeke…maybe Osteen if y’all feel like it.
Perhaps we can start another thread in the future that will be more edifying…..maybe less fun….most of the edifying stuff is less fun.
Simply put, your theory is completely and irrefutable repudiated by Scripture and so you run as fast as your little legs can carry you to your fake accusations of philosophy when in fact you are the only one using philosophy to defend your theory and even philosophy fails you.
FACT: The human spirit does not cease to exist when death entered this world
FACT: The spiritual condition of Adam's spirit prior to the fall is not a condition of DEATH
FACT: The Bible knowls of no other condition of spirit other than LIVING to DEAD- none, nada!
FACT: The human spirit in its dead condition (sinful condition) is the direct object of quickening as an existing spirit
FACT: It is not replaced but MADE ALIVE "renewed" (Tit. 3:5) by transitioning between "ignorance" that "alienated them from the LIFE of God" to being "renewed in the knowledge of God (Eph 4:24; Col. 3:10).
FACT: Adam's spirit at creation was received directly from God and was in spiritual communion with God and was not in a "dead" condition and there is no other option provided in scripture to a "dead" spirit than a living spirit.
FACT: His LIFE in body, soul and spirit was CONDITIONED and MUTABLE and the tree of knowledge proves that. Hence, he existed in a STATE OF LIFE in body, in soul and in spirit until "death" entered the world.
These are all facts that clear explicit scriptures demand as scriptures provide N


Your position is based WHOLLY upon philosophical inferences that have no scripture for support.