Hey nice to meet you! You know I was raised Atheist but always believed anyways! Officially a Christian at 18, and IGNORANT OF SCRIPTURE. I read many bad books, IE "Late Great Planet Earth", but for some reason became an obsessive, almost unhealthy student of scripture last twenty years.
I say that because in that time, I've seen passages that I was CERTAIN meant one thing, but upon seeing it laid out, AND studying the period, IE what did "World" to the first century Jew mean? It's meant "More than us"! Paul said "the gospel has gone out to the entire world", well we know it didn't literally, he meant "Out to others than Jews", up until them it was ALL ABOUT JUDAISM. So "End of the Age" is not "End of time", but "End of the Old Covenant Age", so when He said "You know the END is near", what end? End of the OT Age. Same with "Coming in the Clouds", every Jew knew that was bad news, when that was written OT it meant TOTAL DESTRUCTION.
I know what you mean about 3rd century, but NOTHING surpasses, for the Jew, THE ORACLES OF THEIR WORSHIP, think about it, it would be if all Churches and bibles dissapeared. The OLD COVENANT WAS DESTROYED.
I don't like talking Eschatology, but I would encourage you to look at some short Preterist videos on YouTube, of course there is tons of junk, but I think if you look at it, you'll say "Yes, that makes perfect sense, of course they weren't talking to people 2000 years in the future, in fact John even says "The things that will SHORTLY come to pass". Do you know that our understanding, you know tribulation, then anti-christ, then second coming, that was all drempt up by a crazy man named John Darby, born in 1835 he departed the Church of England to form the "Brethren", he was one of those "Only I have the truth, you disagree with me you're a heretic", even Spurgeon called him out

Somehow his wacky teaching found it's way into Scofields commentary, from there to Hal Lindsey, Lindsey to the masses, until today it's the norm, but well read Hal Lindsey, and I don't recommend Lindsey, I don't like him for many reasons, but his "Apocalypse Code" is pretty close to the truth. Hope I didn't sound arrogant above, many wipe the floor with me, I just was trying to say that I was CONVINCED of these things, "End of the Age", sure that means end of time, NO, no it doesn't
Well thanks for letting me ramble, we are IN the 1000 year Millenium, remember "1000" in Scripture NEVER means 1000, it ALWAYS refers to long period, and yes Satan is bound, and yes the Saints are ruling and reigning with Him, as will we soon. Think, this used to always bother me, if we die to "EVER be with the Lord", yet return, then after 1000 years Satan escapes, how can I be sure I won't fall for it and sin, it's crazy, it's anti-security, its ONE LINE IN A ALREADY CONFUSING BOOK, yet they base an entire eschatological system off it!