New Member
You have taken what someone wrote about the mystic Zoroaster and placed that above the clear teaching of Scriptures.
Neither the books of Moses nor the prophets were modified by the scribes because some stayed in a foreign land. That is PURE speculation that seeks to sell you a line of reasoning to discredit the Scriptures.
The Scriptures state that all writing of the Scriptures were done under the direct and purposed work of God. Man only copied down what God said to write, not what they wanted to write.
Neither is the New Testament some blending of eastern religion and mystic practices. That kind of thinking is a pure lie.
Further, the author of your quote by propagating such falsehoods totally discredits the Word of God and in doing so makes it totally unreliable for faith and practice.
Oh, he puts out that he desires to have folks think that they gain the real truth through his "work" but he offers nothing that was not offered to Eve when she was deceived into eating the forbidden. Ultimately, the author attempts to discredit the factual authority the God of the Scriptures.
Sad is you have taken it all in.
Let me be real clear for any folks who might be drawn into this writing even out of curiosity.
Of all the views about Scripture, I hold the Preterest view as heretical as the Pelagian - both views are deceitful, distorting the truth of the Word of God, and do not hold to foundational truths of Scripture.
that's your right to disagree brother
its my right to disagree with you also
Blessings to you brother