Bro, you were asking about the views of the NON-Calvinist, so of course we are going to believe this claim is false, otherwise we would be Calvinists, right? That was my point. That is the unify agreement of NON-CALs.
Okay, I will conceed the point that non-cals see Calvinism as false. Does that also mean that they see Calvinists as heretical? If their belief is false then one might also know that they are heterodox and heretical.
I'll let you make the call... You seem to be leaning in that direction. :wavey:
Now, this begs the question by presuming: God being sovereign = Calvinistic determinism, while that is the point up for debate.
So, let me make sure I understand you. Are you arguing that God is NOT sovereign and Lord over ALL (things, people, time, etc.)?
Yeah, I'm sure that is Satan's goal, to get people to think they are truly responsible for decisions they make, and what they do does make a difference. Seems to me that Satan might be more interested in doing just the opposite by saying things like, "God doesn't really love probably aren't one of his elect...I mean look at you...look at how bad you are, God couldn't possibly have chosen you...and nothing you do matters anyway because its all been predetermined..."
Now you truly argue from a very human-logic perspective instead of arguing the Scriptures that say otherwise. Funny how that works once one divorces a sovereign view of God from the actions of man.
The Scriptures show us, pointedly, that God does indeed "love some" and "hate some." Many have tried to reason around that. It also shows that God "hardens some" and "softens soms." Also difficult to reason around. Above all, it shows that God's grace, God's mercy, and God's love are all abundant, but that does not hinder the fact that while He makes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust, that He does not also "elect" those whom He wills to be elected. In fact, just the opposite.
I agree, but if one view or the other were in error, my charge is that your view would do much more damage given the consequential results....
Again, let me make sure I understand what you are saying here... God's sovereignty is something that would cause MORE HARM than allowing man's libertarian free will to rule man's destiny?
Okay, but I'm not sure that you are helping your case... You seem to be getting farther and farther away from the God of the Bible with every word you write. Are you angry at God because of some issue or incident in your life or something? Seems that you lack a fundamental trust in God to be, well, God -- in control, knowing all, making PERFECT judgments, enacting those judgments so as to fulfill His divine will, etc.
You could start with the POF of this board, or how about the Baptist Faith and Message? Hershel Hobbs even wrote a full theological book based on that which explains very well our "POSITIVE EXPRESSIONS." I assumed you knew that.
Since Hobbs there have been other expressions of the BF&M and besides that is not pertinent, for it is not the standard of belief of most here, especially you, it seems, or is that what you are now claiming as your published doctrine? That would be odd, for you have argued most forcefully in other directions. Hobbs was not an Arminian (and neither are you, but you do like the label).
I would STILL like to see a positive expression of yours and everyone else's doctrines here. Most are afraid to post them and I have to wonder why... Perhaps they realize that what they truly hold in their hearts does not match up with Scripture, but then why hold them -- are we not "people of the Book" and seeking the truth of God at every turn, even if that means "repentance" of one's doctrinal views?
We agree on this point. I have much respect for Calvin... the dude was a theological genius. Arminius was just a little smarter...about 4 points smarter at least.
Arminius' effect on the larger doctrinal world suggest otherwise. Where are his exhaustive commentaries on the Word, etc.? All the teachings of Arminius eventually only brought the world rebellion against God and division among God's people as that group constantly attacks and harranges those who view God as Lord of ALL THINGS, including us, whether or not we actually like it or believe in it.
An accusation that I'm sure could be turned back onto the accuser were he a Moderator as if my being a moderator in anyway obligates me to challenge the errors of other non-Cals anymore so than any other poster. Our only charge is to respond to reported posts and help moderate disputes in accordance with the rules of the forum, which has nothing to do with theological differences. You might be surprised that I don't read many of the other non-Cals posts here. I typically reserve my limited time here responding to those engaging with my posts, which typically are Calvinists debating me. Sorry if I don't see and rebuke every random error of every non-Cal, that's not my job.
You're doing a fine job of rebuking the errors of Calvinists... I'm sure there is a commendation in this for you somewhere. :love2:
You read me incorrectly. I do in fact affirm the doctrine of Original Sin. I was speaking of Winman nuanced view and how it is sometimes defended. Look at these two definations of Original Sin side by side:
IF that is true, then they are incorrect. I find it hard to believe Winman or Webdog believe we aren't born in a state of separation from God, but I'm sure you wouldn't mind linking to a post where they make that claim....or would you?
Love to... Will it stir up another flap like before? :laugh:
I am shocked that you cannot find them writing such things. They do OFTEN.
Again, I think you misunderstand the role of the moderator... You are making it about theology when that is not a factor...unless of course you are arguing they are not baptists and are teaching heresy, in which case you will have to report the actual post rather than make general accusations while posting random anonymous out of context quotes...
See above...