So, let me make sure I understand you. Are you arguing that God is NOT sovereign and Lord over ALL (things, people, time, etc.)?
No, I'm arguing that it begs the question to assume divine sovereignty must be defined as Calvinistic determinism defines it. That is the point up for debate after all.
I personally believe He is SO VERY SOVEREIGN that He is able to accomplish His ultimate purposes and plans without having to 'play both sides of the chess board,' so to speak.
Now you truly argue from a very human-logic perspective
Well, one human-logic perspective deserves another.
instead of arguing the Scriptures that say otherwise.
Do you mean like when God, not just Satan, actually said, " "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil." Yet, you used that same phrase when quoted by Satan to imply that he was using Arminianism to deceive people.
Funny how that works once one divorces a sovereign view of God from the actions of man.
My thoughts exactly. Now, if we could only agree on a definition of divine sovereignty.
The Scriptures show us, pointedly, that God does indeed "love some" and "hate some."
And the scriptures show how we are to love God and hate our parents, but in the same manner we also know we are told to love and honor our parents. Contradiction? No more so than all the verses which speak of God's love for all people and the proof texts you are referring to regarding His 'hatred.'
Again, let me make sure I understand what you are saying here... God's sovereignty is something that would cause MORE HARM than allowing man's libertarian free will to rule man's destiny?
That was not my argument. My argument was that your view, IF WRONG, is more damaging that my view, IF WRONG.
Okay, but I'm not sure that you are helping your case... You seem to be getting farther and farther away from the God of the Bible with every word you write. Are you angry at God because of some issue or incident in your life or something? Seems that you lack a fundamental trust in God to be, well, God -- in control, knowing all, making PERFECT judgments, enacting those judgments so as to fulfill His divine will, etc.
Does this question begging and ad hominem rhetoric really help? It only serves to inflame and is not helpful to our discussion.
Since Hobbs there have been other expressions of the BF&M and besides that is not pertinent, for it is not the standard of belief of most here, especially you, it seems, or is that what you are now claiming as your published doctrine? That would be odd, for you have argued most forcefully in other directions. Hobbs was not an Arminian (and neither are you, but you do like the label).
Ok, where to start on this one? First, please show me what is in the baptist faith in message that I have contradicted. And then show me where I've said I "like" the label? I've used it in the same manner many here use the label Calvinist...its just a simplified defining term to point out a key soterilogical difference.
I would STILL like to see a positive expression of yours and everyone else's doctrines here. Most are afraid to post them and I have to wonder why... Perhaps they realize that what they truly hold in their hearts does not match up with Scripture, but then why hold them -- are we not "people of the Book" and seeking the truth of God at every turn, even if that means "repentance" of one's doctrinal views?
When you publish your first systematic theology then you can talk, otherwise you've done no more or less than I've done throughout the history on this board. I've made plenty of positive affirmations of my beliefs on various doctrines, scriptures and views. You'd have to be blind to miss fact I just presented a thread on Romans 9 yesterday, which wasn't the first time.
Love to... Will it stir up another flap like before? :laugh:
Only if you quote them out of context, fail to link or credit their quotes and then called them heretical. If you want to officially report a rule violation (like heresy) you need to push the red report button and not attempt to do it publicly.