Quantum, if you go back and read the entire conversation between Webdog and myself, you will find that I never once used the word "heretic" in regards to what Webdog believes. I did ask one time if he thought that Augustine was heretical in his doctrines, and when Webdog said no, that he was simply in error, I left that line lay without responding further.
Skandelon asked if I would brand someone a heretic if I could demonstrate that they held what I purported that they held, but that was him saying that, not me. And, I have NOT branded anyone a heretic in this thread.
That is not to say that some of what some people around here hold is not heretical and heterodox in nature, but I reserve that term for when I actually run into that sort of belief. I do not toss "heretic" around as a mere perjorative, and neither do I toss about "pelagian in the same manner. I use those terms VERY reservedly when some POINT OF DOCTRINE crosses the line, EXTREMELY RARELY toward an actual individual. Before I can go to that level I have to have solid proof, convincing proof, and not simple error in doctrine. So, you may find me saying that SOME DOCTRINE crosses the line into heretical thought, but you will hardly find me calling INDIVIDUALS heretics unless, as I just said, THEY ARE and it is plain for everyone to see.
In the conversation with Webdog in this thread, I simply applied the Socratic method of questioning an individual until they clarified and stated their doctrine forthright without jumping through a lot of hoops and nuance. THEY answered and I have always allowed anyone on this board to answer however they chose -- it is, after all, their belief. In fact, I am the one who is continually asking folks to PUBLISH their doctrine so we can be truthful with each other.