Aaron, your opinions thus far expressed are odious and despicable. Did you not read Annsni's post at the top of the previous page? There are any number of reasons other than bad behaviour and lack of discipline as to why 2-year olds play up, many of which she has highlighted but the most obvious one being: they're 2-year olds. That's what they do from time to time. There's no rhyme or reason to it, no amount of spanking can snap them out of it (if anything, that makes them worse; trust me, I've tried with mine when they were that age!), you just have to let it blow itself out when they have a tantrum. If that stresses and annoys other people around, too bad; it's usually nothing compared to the stress and annoyance felt by the parent who's struggling to do the weekly groceries.
And, yes, my wife wouldn't hurt and fly either...a man committing an act of violence on her children however is another matter...
And, yes, my wife wouldn't hurt and fly either...a man committing an act of violence on her children however is another matter...