I'll be honest here, unlike others here. I'm a man, I have checked out women, I'm not so insecure as to be afraid to admit it or act like it will never happen again.
So what is interesting with that and your statement in mind, is that quite awhile back, I saw an incredibly gorgeous 20-something AMISH girl. Yes, she had the whole head covering and everything on. Super cute, and the long traditional attire simply couldn't hide the fact that she had a near perfect frame. It was hard to look away to be honest, especially considering the situation, just never would have ever expected that.
And here you are blaming the women for it? Are you going to look down on them for having nice genetics too? Maybe they should all start guzzling a six-pack of Coke every day so they'll be too fat? Some women look nice no matter what they wear, and men will notice. Blaming them somehow or another because you or someone else did notice is quite ridiculous and is literally on the same level as men in Muslim countries, that is exactly what they do.
Hear, Hear !!
That's exactly what I was getting at when I said that if a girl isn't very attractive to begin with, she ain't gonna make anybody drool over her strapless, backless, or anything else.
It's not the amount of clothes she's wearing, or lack thereof. If she's 150 pounds overweight, most boys would rather she cover up.
But if she's drop dead gorgeous, slim, fit, it doesn't matter if she's wearing a strapless gown, a burka, or even a gunny sack.
Guys are attracted to bodily form and facial beauty. And personally, I have never leered at a girl's shoulders.
It doesn't have a thing at all to do with what kind of clothing she's in. One of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen is Shania Twain in the video "From This Moment On"

And in all honesty, as soon as she drops the wrap and is in a very form-fitting gown, it loses almost all appeal