In another thread, a poster used the word "heck," and got gigged for it. So, let's talk about it.
Do any of you use any sugar-coated cuss words? And are some more acceptable than others for believers?
Are you talking dirty when you say Gosh, Gosh Darn, Gee, Dad-gummit, Golly, Golly Moses, Doggone, Daggone or, say, heck? I've even heard folks say hecky-darn. One of our posters used Sheesh and another Geesh? Anything wrong with them?
What about Shoot, Shucks, Oh Sugar, etc.?
How about Egad?
The hounds are now released.
Since I was the one who "gigged" (whatever
that means!) someone for using the word 'heck', I'll say my piece here.
Jesus says we are accountable for "every idle word" that we speak. Pauls says that "whether we eat or drink" it must be for the glory of God.
Some of the responses I am reading about this matter of language is utterly appalling. Aren't we called to be holy? Isn't there supposed to be a difference between Christians and the world?
When we stand in front of the blazing holiness of Almighty God one day, there won't be this kind of "easy-going-Jesus-loves-me-and-I'm-only-human-after-all" attitude.
I asked a person who used the word "heck" what did he mean by that? If you don't have a meaning for the word, then you ought not to use it. When someone says, "Go to heck", is there any doubt what the word means? Not if your IQ is at least room temperature.
This has nothing to do with legalism, being old-fashioned, or holier-than-thou (that one usually comes up at some point). This has to do with Christ's call to holiness in our speech and if you can't control the words you say, how can you ever hope to control the things you do? Or to put it another way, If the Holy Spirit has not got control of your tongues, then has He control over the other members of your body?
I can attest to the fact that one thing that is sadly lacking in many Christians - (Baptists particularly, as that is who I am most in contact with) - is personal holiness.
Robert Murray McCheyne, the great Scottish minister, used to pray,
"Lord, make me to be as holy as it is possible for a saved sinner to be!"
I recommend that prayer to those who have come under the condemnation of Proverbs 14:9
Fools make a mock at sin.
Think about it: the Bible uses the same word to describe those who mock sin as those who say in their heart, "There is no God!"
Pretty serious stuff.