New Member
The objection is a local church is a house of worship and praise of the Lord, and not a three ring circus. It is the one place a few times a week (at best) where we concentrate on the Lord, and keep the world at bay. Why on earth would such nonsense be brought into a worship service?
What does a sports event during a worship service have to do with bringing people to salvation? I thought it was the Holy Spirit that worked on people's hearts and not the scoring of touchdowns. What does a local church and a sports event have to do with each other?
If the congregation is that stuck on one event such as this, either make the service at another time, or cancel it. It shows more dignity than mixing the two. If your church does what it should, and holds the service as scheduled, and you still want to watch the super bowl, then stay home, and watch it.
Why is the super bowl singled out? Why not show the college bowls, the NCAA championship, the World Series, and for that matter, the World Cup? Then we could make this a once a month event.
Dont stop at a big screen. Purchase snack trays with braces that hook to the pew in front of you, install drink holders for snacks during the game. Maybe the deacons can go up and down the aisles selling popcorn and cokes. To keep it holy though, whenever there is a touchdown, everyone shout "Praise the Lord." For field goals, an amen will suffice. To add to the reality of the situation, have some of the congregation dress up in cheerleader outfits, and keep everyone cheering from the altar. Of course, when the game is over, the invitation song will be "Victory in Miami" with a call for those who were on the winning side to come forward for the sin of pride, and the losers for anger. Then, everyone can proceed to Fellowship Hall for a pot luck and continue to stuff their guts.
What does a sports event during a worship service have to do with bringing people to salvation? I thought it was the Holy Spirit that worked on people's hearts and not the scoring of touchdowns. What does a local church and a sports event have to do with each other?
If the congregation is that stuck on one event such as this, either make the service at another time, or cancel it. It shows more dignity than mixing the two. If your church does what it should, and holds the service as scheduled, and you still want to watch the super bowl, then stay home, and watch it.
Why is the super bowl singled out? Why not show the college bowls, the NCAA championship, the World Series, and for that matter, the World Cup? Then we could make this a once a month event.
Dont stop at a big screen. Purchase snack trays with braces that hook to the pew in front of you, install drink holders for snacks during the game. Maybe the deacons can go up and down the aisles selling popcorn and cokes. To keep it holy though, whenever there is a touchdown, everyone shout "Praise the Lord." For field goals, an amen will suffice. To add to the reality of the situation, have some of the congregation dress up in cheerleader outfits, and keep everyone cheering from the altar. Of course, when the game is over, the invitation song will be "Victory in Miami" with a call for those who were on the winning side to come forward for the sin of pride, and the losers for anger. Then, everyone can proceed to Fellowship Hall for a pot luck and continue to stuff their guts.