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Super Bowl party at church

Is your church having a Super Bowl Party

  • Yes, great for evangelism

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Yes, but just so members will come that Sunday Night

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, for other reasons

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • No, Sunday night is only for preaching

    Votes: 13 28.3%
  • No, no particular reason

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • No, for other reasons

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • Other answer

    Votes: 4 8.7%

  • Total voters
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Early Christian martyrs could be found at the stadium, too.
How times have changed.
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Active Member
Hey John, I think Jerome was joking. If not, I feel very sorry for him. I'd hate to live the life of a Christian kill joy condemning anything and everything that doesn't fit into my narrow legalistic view.


Active Member
I am not sure if the question implies that the game would be shown in the sanctuary or not. I would have a problem with that if it were done in my church. If it can be shown in a gym or other room, then I don't see a problem with it, especially if people can invite unsaved friends and there can be maybe be a dispensing of free Bibles for those who want them. Some of the unsaved visitors might take one and read it!


<img src =/tim2.jpg>
I am not sure if the question implies that the game would be shown in the sanctuary or not. I would have a problem with that if it were done in my church. If it can be shown in a gym or other room, then I don't see a problem with it, especially if people can invite unsaved friends and there can be maybe be a dispensing of free Bibles for those who want them. Some of the unsaved visitors might take one and read it!

Marcia, I hadn't even looked at it from that angle... and I would agree 100% with you.


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First of all, I highly RESENT being labled as a legalist. You insult me, you walk on my testimony. You sin when you do this!!! I am saved by grace, and as I go through the trials of life, I know God is pointing out correction and drawing me closer to Him with correction. I do not judge you, but if you need to hear the truth, I won't mince words. What you do with the truth is between you and God.

I find it sad that someone even suggested putting God second for this one day....that is a telling comment from someone who claims to be a Bible reader. All our righteouness is as filthy rags before a Holy God.

Watered down Christianity...palatable because the real truth as spelled out CLEARLY in the Bible and the rules for the early N.T. church are too harsh, apparently. Sorry, folks, I am done with this conversation. Lukewarm Christians will be spewed out of His mouth....read it in Revelations.....LAODECIAN - if the shoe fits, wear it. And if the truth makes you uncomfortable, praise the Lord! His word is sharper than any two-edged sword. NO FOOTBALL IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD - it has ZERO to do with the Great Commission.


New Member
Whenever someone suggests someone is putting God second because they don't follow a man-made ritual instead of direct compliance with the Word of God.....well, let the Word speak:
For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men (Mark 7:8)
Let God be true and human wisdom shown for the lie it is.

I am not sure if the question implies that the game would be shown in the sanctuary or not. I would have a problem with that if it were done in my church. If it can be shown in a gym or other room, then I don't see a problem with it, especially if people can invite unsaved friends and there can be maybe be a dispensing of free Bibles for those who want them. Some of the unsaved visitors might take one and read it!
Well said and worth saying.


<img src =/tim2.jpg>
I guess now would not be a good time to sing this song from Newsboys...

Come and go with me to my father's house.
Come and go with me to my father's house.
It's a big, big house with lots and lots of room.
A big, big table with lots and lots of food.
A big, big yard where we can play football.
A big, big house, it's my father's house.



Active Member
I just read this entire thread.

I am disappointed that those that are not antinomian are being called legalists.

I am not a legalistic fundamentalist. I drink alcohol occasionally, I use the ESV and NIV, I listen to music with drums and I go to movies. I also will play cards if I have to even though I don't like card games.
My wife wears pants and I could go on and on.

I believe we are justified by faith alone, by Grace alone through Christ alone.
I believe the scripture alone is our standard.
I am not a "fundamentalist legalist"
I also happen to like football.

I do NOT agree with church Super Bowl parties for a number of reasons.

1. Sunday is the Lord's Day. I do not watch any sports on Sunday anymore but I am not going to make a big deal about that.
2. In addition to violating the Lord's Day (which I realize most people do not think applies to us now) it is also a violation of other commandments.
When you disregard your normal service for a Super Bowl party you are placing another God before Christ and His Church.

IF you have no problem with watching sports privately on Sunday and you want to watch the SB at your home or someone else's then I do not have a problem with that.
But to substitute the worship of our Lord with a football game is not only sacriligious but to place a mini service at halftime is probably blasphemous as well.

I will be the first to stand up against legalism. I have done so many times on this board.

I will however also stand against antinomianism just as vigorously.


Active Member
I am starting to realize that legalism leads to antinomianism.

One more reason to oppose legalism with a passion.
It is so hard to leave legalism without swinging to far the other way.


Active Member
OK---laying aside the rules for a minute Blackbird has a "Revelation"

God postpones the rapture of the church in the event the Saints make the Super Bowl!!!!!!:type::laugh::laugh::laugh: (at least until AFTER the Saints win)


Active Member
When you disregard your normal service for a Super Bowl party you are placing another God before Christ and His Church.

And you say that you are not into legalism? Maybe not, but it comes real close.

Bob Alkire

New Member
When you disregard your normal service for a Super Bowl party you are placing another God before Christ and His Church.

And you say that you are not into legalism? Maybe not, but it comes real close.

I understand that statement on a personal deal. Most of us do what is number one at the time in our life, some enjoy one thing and others something else. I'm the kind of guy who would and did a few times drive over 700 miles to hear R.G. Lee. W.A. Criswell, Waren Wiersbe to preach and didn't miss work or a service at the home church. I've driven 400 to 500 miles to hear Jerry Vines, John R. Rice, Bill Rice and Renald E. Showers and didn't miss work or a service.

I love sports, its how I got to go to college. But I wouldn't move a service around so we as a fellowship could watch it together. Now if a member or even the pastor wants to have something at their home or rent a place after service, I would say go for it. If the ball game or theater or what not is more important to someone at that moment than service don't come to service, but that is a personal deal.

I would be very disappointed in the church if it would move the services around for a game, theater or music or etc. You can watch the entire game for the next year and longer on TV, if it is that big I'm sure one could buy a home deal and watch it as often as they would like.


Active Member
OK---laying aside the rules for a minute Blackbird has a "Revelation"

God postpones the rapture of the church in the event the Saints make the Super Bowl!!!!!!:type::laugh: (at least until AFTER the Saints win)

That's impossible.

The Bible says, "Amen, come quickly, Lord Jesus!"\

We can't wait forever... :D :D


Active Member
And you say that you are not into legalism? Maybe not, but it comes real close.
Do you believe that there are no boundaries at all? No law?
It is legalism to love your God with all of your heart and your neighbor as yourself?
It is if you think that you can attain favor with God by your actions.

Trying to squeeze the Gospel in at halftime of a superbowl party cheapens the Gospel.

As I said before, if you are not opposed to sports on sunday, and you want to get together with friends then go for it.

Just don't be so irreverent to our Savior as to squeeze Him in during halftime and then go right back to the game as soon as the 3rd quarter starts.


Active Member
Dale, where in the Bible does it say that we have to even have a church service on Sunday evening? Where does it say that we have to conduct the service the same way each Sunday or we are guilty of cheapening the gospel? Where does it say that we cannot take advantage of opportunities to engage the culture? Doing something different from time to time does not cheapen the gospel. However, imposing man made traditions and expectations on it does.
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