You mean as opposed to being called a Laodicean church or that they are using gimmicks and attempting to trick people into the Gospel? Those charges are not full of hostility and being judgmental?
First of all, I never said anything about a "Laodicean Church".
Second, no, I don't see how what I said was hostile or judgemental. Perhaps you could explain it to me.
We won't be having a Super Bowl Party at the church, but Jesus warned the Disciples about forbidding a person from casting out demons in Jesus' name. (Mark 9:38)
He told Peter to just be concerned about his life and not what He had in store for John. (John 21)
And those verses are relevate because...?
If you don't think a SB party is the way to go, then say so and why. But just because another church feels God is calling them to do it to reach people, doesn't make them a backslidden church.
When did I ever say they were a backslidden church?
TinyTim said:Yes.. I do have hostility toward those that are like the people Jesus had hostility towards.. .Legalists
Do you know what the Bible means when it talks about legalism?
People that think because they "DO" or "don't DO" something makes them more Godly.
Who here has said anything like that? All I said is that I think such a celebratory atmosphere isn't consistent with such a solemn thing and that I don't think we should use gimmicks to get people in to hear the Gospel.
Godliness does not rest upon what we do or don't do..
But in this thread we have Christians calling other Christians "Laodiceans".. and other slanderous terms just because they do something different than having a preaching service on Sunday night...
But I didn't so why are you taking it out on me?
Jesus didn't mince words toward the Religious right of his time... He called them hypocrites because they held to man-made standards instead of having their hearts right.
No, actually, He called them hypocrites because they held themselves to one standard, while they held those under them to another standard.
They based their Godliness on what they did....or didn't do.
In the same way that fundamentalists do today...
Godliness comes from within...not what we do from without.
Actually, I never said anything about Godliness one way or the other, so you're barking up the wrong tree.
Jesus had compassion on sinners...
What does that have to do with the Super Bowl?
I'll do what Jesus did... stand for truth.. not man made traditions that are not even Biblically based.
Um...isn't basing the Gospel around the Super Bowl a "man made tradition that isn't Biblically based"?
Hey, "The Who" are doing the half time show.. that could be our Nursing home service!!
It isn't really the Who. It's a Who tribute band featuring the two surviving members of the Who.
I am not taking it out on you.. I quoted you to answer your question... NOthing personal brother!
Sure sounded personal when you were being so nasty in your response to me.
Webdog said:Wow, besides legalism at it's worst, we are seeing idolatry over a building with 4 walls.
Nobody has said anything about recreational things in the church building being wrong, but that the idea of interrupting or pre-empting a church service to show a football game is wrong.
MattWade said:There's my position in a nutshell. If a church normally has services and is worshiping God during the time the SB is on, then they should not cancel services in order to watch football. If, however, the church does not normally have services at that time....go for it.
Like I said, why not just DVR or Tivo the game and watch it after church? That way, both problems are solved.
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