Brother Rebel,
I am not KYRedneck, but I am Primitive Baptist. There are several different factions of Primitive Baptists. Progressives (they have things such as Sunday schools and musical instruments in service, Predestinarians (they believe in the absolute predestination of all things), universalists ("no hellers"), and the largest one is what is referred to as "conditionalists" or "old line" Primitive Baptists. I would guess they comprise about 90% of Primitive Baptist churches and I suspect Brother Kentucky by his beliefs he has expressed on this thread attends one of these churches, but only he can clarify that. They believe the Bible teaches two salvations. The first being that of eternal redemption and that this was purchased solely through the death of Christ on the cross for his people and that Christ sovereignly without the uses of means by makes one born again by imparting his quickening Holy Sprit.(I would agree them on with this). However, they also believe in a second salvation in time that they refer to by various names such as "conditional time salvation", "time salvation", or "temporal salvation". It is basically being saved from the evils of this world in this lifetime, and teaches we merit God's blessings (I do not understand how one can "merit" a blessing as that is a wage not a "blessing by the common definition) by obedience and receive His cursings if we are disobedient. They believe this salvation is conditional based on their will and not that it is "God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure" (Philippians 2:13) and thus not all who are born again will experience time salvation. This has led to such heresies among some of them as believing the elect may be born again and yet reject and never believe the gospel, believing in such things as "regenerated Muslims/Hindus/etc" who die in that particular religion, but go to heaven, and some go so far as to claim an elect child of God can live in all sorts of sin their entire life due to not having "conditional time salvation", hence they also deny the perseverance of the saints and the doctrine of sanctification of believers (though they do not believe one can lose their salvation).
I am a member of a conditional Primitive Baptist church, and use to believe such heresies, but the Lord used the writings of others and the Bible to open my eyes to the truth. I now attend a Primitive Baptist church that believes in the absolute predestination of all things and rejects conditional time salvation. They are called "absolulters" or "predestinarian" Primitive Baptists. Old line Primitive Baptists do not deny predestination of people to salvation, but they do deny absolute predestination of all things, however this doctrine can be easily traced back to some of the first Baptists confessions of faith such as the 1689 London Baptist confession that states, "God hath decreed in himself, from all eternity, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably, all things, whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby is God neither the author of sin nor hath fellowship with any therein;". Thus this proves this is the original doctrine of true old Baptists.
Interesting to note, the doctrine of "conditional time salvation" didn't even exist amount Primitive Baptists until after the Civil War, thus there is no writings about it prior to that period, but unfortunately many in that order are not aware of this. I would challenge any conditional brother who believes in conditional time salvation to show a writing of it that existed prior to the civil war. Unfortunately, like all doctrines that are pleasing to the flesh, it spread like wild fire, thus conditionalists vastly now outnumber the absoluters, but God did say his flock was a "little flock". Also interesting, is nobody other than Old line Primitive Baptists in the United States and other churches constituted by them throughout the world are the only Christian order that believes in conditional time salvation. Most people have never even heard of it. It doesn't even pass the "deserted island test". By this, I simply mean if you gave me a Bible and put me on a deserted island I would never come up with such a doctrine, but the teachers of this doctrine or very shrewd in the way it is presented to their flock.
For any Primitive Baptist or anyone for that matter, desiring to read a refutation of this heresyI suggest reading the following two articles. The first is titled "Conditional Time Salvation Is It The Truth" written by predestinarian Primitive Baptist elder RH Boaz in 1897 when the heresy was first starting to spread
The other article is titled "Conditional Time Salvation" by Elder Jim Poole (also a Primitive Baptist absoluter) and has two parts. Part 1 is here
Part 2 is here
The Sweet Savor website above is an absolute predestination Primitive Baptist page and has been very useful to me in learning as it contains many other articles , books, and audio sermons by the original old school Primitive Baptists.
I do consider conditionalists children of God, however they are under the yoke and burden of the law with the impossible task of carrying out their own sanctification.
God bless,
Brother Joe