Militarized police? Sounds like you want your cake and eat it to.
Actually if you look around a bit you may notice we already have a militarized police state. What's it used for? Protecting us or intimidating us?
Law enforcement has its limits on the high end of force.
That's all changing fast isn't it?
The military has its limits on the low end of force.
Then why is it being used to police the world?
Hence, the reason the military cannot be used for civil law enforcement, as it should be.
If it cannot be used for civil law enforment then why is it? See New Oleans after Katrina. Not only was our military used to police citizens so were foreign militaries. Posse Commitatus? What a joke! Bush wants to get rid of that too and if he can't he'll just ignore it and the people let him.
Terrorists are more equpped than the mission of civilian law enforcement provides for.
Maybe if our own intell and law enforcement agencies stopped protecting, equipping and using them for provacatuers that wouldn't be the case.
we can militarize the civil law enforcement but then all you have is the military policing the streets.
We already have that. Or didn't you notice that at the last RNC in NYC?
The separation of missions is a chacks and balance in our system.
That's an illusion. It may have been that way in history but now the military is training side by side police and working along side them. That isn't supposed to be happening. That is the law. But it's being ignored like so many others. You do know why Posse Commitatus was enacted in 1878 don't you?