You seem to have trouble comprehending the idea that we are accruing debt to maintain current spending AND give tax cuts. Furthermore, President Trump wants to spend more money on infrastructure. Where's that money coming from?"At some point." That's the way all these predictions go. No accountability, beause they are meaningless predictions. Sometime in the next millennia we're really going to pay from Trump's tax cuts.
Taking less from businesses and individuals and instead BORROWING money is exactly like the careless use of a credit card.That is an interesting analogy on tax cuts. So the government taking less from businesses and individuals is like getting a new credit cards. Hmmmm.
Actually the opposite of what you claim I am saying. We have already been borrowing money. Now we are borrowing money at a higher pace. We should have kept most tax rates the same - except for lower income people - and reduced the corporate tax rate. Then we should use the increased revenue to both pay down the debt and invest in infrastructure.Curious, did you know that tax cuts have always led to higher revenue collected, from Kennedy to Trump? But you think it leads to higher debt?
And you don't think increasing spending had anything to do with it?
What we have done is lower the rates for people who need tax relief less than most (the wealthier to the wealthiest members of society), and are borrowing money to make up for the shortfall.
I am not opposed to lowering taxes in general, but it needs to start at the bottom of the income scale and go to the top. And revenue needs to pay off debt (opening up credit for everyone) and invest in infrastructure.