I am not sure what the world thinks of Osteen. I think many believe him representative of Christianity, and probably many do not. The danger of Osteen, however, is that he is a false teacher. He presents the type of message that Conway condemns…and I’d say Metzger condemns also as it is void of the gospel (actually it is contrary to the gospel).
Here are my questions:
From a strict Reformed view point, and using Metzger’s theology, what would be the danger of Osteen’s message to evangelism?
He does not preach the gospel nor preach on sin, and hell. The cross of Christ means nothing to him, and his message is just a New Age false gospel.
What I mean is this, if one is in the “conversion process” as Metzger describes in Ch. 4 then that person is wrestling with the gospel message (although not quite at the end of the conversion process). He or she has a gospel knowledge and the Spirit is working in his or her life. If elect, then salvation will occur. If not, then it won’t. Why even worry about false teachers? If they are saved, then false teachers cannot lead them astray, so there is no danger there either. False teachers are therefore no issue to the evangelist…although perhaps an issue to the pastor in terms of edification and discipleship. If salvation is not dependent on the man being saved, surely it is not dependent on the false teacher conquering God’s own election of another.
Oh yes they can!!! No they can't touch their salvation but they can confuse the elect, they can hinder the elect from good bible study, from completing their mission, and so on, which will end in a loss of rewards in the kingdom. 10 years ago I used to be a Osteen addict. Osteen with his smile had deceived me, and I would video record his messages in my VHS player (the VHS was more common in 2004) and play them over and over again. My salvation was not lost (don't hold that doctrine anyways) but I was confused and my mission at being a Biblical evangelist was lost. God led me to buy a number of John MacArthur books which I read with great hunger (as I was starving) and after my feast and the work of the Holy Spirit Osteen went into the trash, and my associations with the Charismatic movement did as well. I was a charismatic 10 years ago and grew up in a weslyian church. But it was MacArthur that led me to a deeper knowledge and study of the Holy Bible and to passages that the Charismatics had missed (most of their sermons were fluff anyways). But MacArthur would DIVE INTO the Holy Bible and I loved that about him.
Charismatics would then refer to me as "unloving" for questing their doctrine and messages. I would get called a Pharisee for holding to the scripture and so on. Those lost people (probably false converts) had questionable views and often held to New Revelation (a heresy).
***** This, BTW, is not something that I believe and I trust is not something that you believe either. I am curious as to how you would answer the question. Can false teachers lead people astray, and if so what relationship does this have to the sovereign election of God?
Answered above
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