I have a Jewish inheritance from my mother's side but was not convinced that my mother was Jewish until the family did an historical trace. So I have no inkling of what you say since my mother refused to talk about it.Growing up Jewish I was taught a LOVE and a JOY for the giving of Torah. Celebrated with a "new years eve style" party on last day of Shavuot. The Law was NOT the imposition of a horrible system on reluctant nation (like so many Christians believe) but rather the glorious communication by God to His people. Man still lived by faith like Abraham, believing the matrix of the sacrificial system brought them into a right relationship with God. Faith, not works, saved them as it has all from Adam.
But more important than the Law (which all were to obey and which all failed) was the Covenant. Exodus 19:5 "Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant . . " Before God called Israel to keep His law (not given in list form yet), He commanded them to “keep My covenant".
Her family was Prussian - from a family of nobility - named Sulke and yes there were Jewish families in the lines of nobility in the Prussian region.
On another note, I have worked as a software engineer with an Hasidim man and I am glad that we are not under the law but grace and walk in the Spirit.
Acts 21:25 As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication.
Don't get me wrong, my favorite Psalm is 119.
However if anyone (myself included) wants to voluntarily keep any part of the law, including Sabbath keeping (understanding that it gains no merit in the sight of God applicable to salvation) then who am I to object?.
Ultimately we are to rest in the works of Jesus Christ apart from anything we do (Hebrews 3 and 4 - appropriately given to Hebrew Christians).
By the time I came along I received only 1/4 of my heritage from the Ashkenazim but born into a Catholic Italian family.
But I may participate in some of the festivals to experience the Jewish part of my heritage firsthand perhaps in Israel if my health allows, Deo Volante.
We have deduced that my maternal grandmother (who married my grandfather - an Italian immigrant) here in America was closemouthed because of antisemitism in her Boston neighborhood.
She did have a Mediterranean look about her so she probably passed as Italian though she did have an eastern European maiden name.
John 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
Are you Ashkenazi Dr. Bob?