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Note: he doesn’t consider them Christians.Why the Other 'CHRISTIAN' Denominations Forum then?
You know how bigoted you're coming accross as when you refer to other Christians as ants? You need to repent.
Do they?Note: he doesn’t consider them Christians.
It is God’s Word that is the final authority, not what some sin filled Papist says by way of endorsing what is put before God.
Which was more important to the OT people - The Tabernacle/Temple in which the very presence of God dwell along with the assortment of priests or the Scriptures?
Would the “church” set up some sinfilled person(s) as more authoritative than the very Scriptures?
How is the Papist any less than that of Laodicea?
The very person whom you quote so often, St. Paul himself , was a terrible sinner. He caused the death's of an untold number of Christians, he persecuted the Christian Church, he defied the Lord Jesus. Yet God saw fit the make in him the foremost evangelist that ever walked the earth. We all fall short of the glory of God, no?
I would say the Tabernacle where God dwelt, because that is where He was present. Remember what happened to the guy who touched the Ark of the Covenant?
It's not just one person, it is the whole Church that decides things. All the Bishop's gathered together in what is called a Synod or a Council, and guided by the Holy Spirit.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
I was speaking more towards there are posters here from those churches who post non scriptural stuff based upon the church false theology.If all Catholic judges on the Supreme Court voted against abortion... no more abortion.
As for "SDA church doctrine" we have a published 28 fundamental beliefs - and not one of them favors abortion. Not one.
-- details details.
Yes, the same one that all who are saved by the grace of God should be upholding!So you have the right gospel?
The Word was Jesus Himself, not words on paper. Can one have salvation with out the recorded New Testament? Can a person be "saved" without reading them? Yes Wilbur, most assuredly! I love the Scriptures, the Catholic Church loves the Scriptures and they are extremely worthy of study, but they are not what saves you. Jesus and His sacrifice on Calvary saves you!
Please, Ive seen pedofiles, queers, control freaks, liers, hypocrites, greed filled money grabbers etc in both Catholic and Baptist churches...but of course, you are the true believers and they of course are the scum of the earth rightDo they?
Are not they who divide by those that belong to The Church and those that do not?
On the other hand, what fellowship do believers have with idols?
Where is the Scripture source for the veneration of Mary, icons, water, Saints..., the kissing of rings, bowing before sinfilled authorities, setting the Scriptures as submissive to human views. These are all denial of the true faith once given.
Neither Peter nor Paul would recognize The Church as but anti-Christ.
Rapture ready!Yes, the same one that all who are saved by the grace of God should be upholding!
There is a single difference.Please, Ive seen pedofiles, queers, control freaks, liers, hypocrites, greed filled money grabbers etc in both Catholic and Baptist churches...but of course, you are the true believers and they of course are the scum of the earth right
Then get on your bicycle and pedal over to the nearest RC church and start your preaching if you’re that fixated. They have Saturday evening services every week so the pious Baptist saints can preach to the heathen and wayward Catholic without Disturbing your own special Sunday gathering. Also do you have those night meetings where you burn stuff.... naaaThere is a single difference.
I don’t know of a Baptist Church that pretends to hold the keys to heaven and hell in its power such as the Catholic Church claims.
That such perversions exist in any human organization should testify to all that no such power is held as the sole determiner of truth or even soul determiner over eternity by any organization.
That all must conform to the supreme FINAL sole authority of the Scriptures.
Well, would be a good idea to witness to those caught up in the false church of Rome!Then get on your bicycle and pedal over to the nearest RC church and start your preaching if you’re that fixated. They have Saturday evening services every week so the pious Baptist saints can preach to the heathen and wayward Catholic without Disturbing your own special Sunday gathering. Also do you have those night meetings where you burn stuff.... naaa![]()
First, Christ’s statement about the authority of the Scriptures:
Christ was ONCE offered as the suffering messiah for all (Hebrews 10:12).
And as Paul said in Ephesians 2:8 such salvation is the GIFT of God, not of bowing to a statue, saying hail Mary’s, penitence, indulgences, last rites, or any of the unscriptural teaching of The Church.
Do you believe that there are saved people in that church?Well, would be a good idea to witness to those caught up in the false church of Rome!
If you are a Christian as you claim to be then why the personal attacks?
Brother, people observe your actions, the words you type, your comportment and make up their minds based on that.
Just so you know, I was raised a RC and for over 34 years lived my life practicing that faith, so I can become very passionate about it. I don’t like it when they refer to Catholics as papists... I find that demeaning, a tool used to reference a time when the RCC was in much need of reform. Also I have family who are RC, so attack’s on their faith is not something looked upon favorably. But you must always check yourself and remember that you are in a Baptist forum... right!!!
You would serve Christ best by loving your opponent, show them you can be gracious and you practice the golden rule. OK, I am done here.
Not one but two pages for you to survey.
http://www.eternal-productions.org/PDFS/God's Word our final, infallible authority.pdf
I won’t hold my breath for you repentance over the outrageous post.
I’ll just leave it to the assumption you are too long with that which rises up in the cup and causes foolishness to manifest.
We think otherwise and believe there is scriptural backing for them all. All you have is an opinion, an interpretation and many other people in this world of different faith traditions than mine or yours have differing ones. So, what makes yours right over everyone else's?[/QUOTE
Because, the scriptures do not allow for such teachings.
It isn’t a matter of “opinion”
The Scriptures NEVER give permission to pray to ANYONE other than the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Scriptures state there is “NO condemnation” so there is no authority for last rites or penitence.
There is ONE redemption for sins - the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Such thinking of indulgence and purgatory do not conform or even found in Scripture.
So no, it is not a matter of opinion.
It is a matter of the Authority of the Scriptures.
That which you place as secondary to sinful human opinion.
Once again, I have no idea what you're talking about.