Do you actually think the church more authoritative than the Scriptures?
It is the Church which was given the mission of interpreting the Scriptures. Read the Scriptures and they will tell you that. Where are we to take our problems that occur between us? Why the CHURCH the Scriptures say! To the Church, which is made up of men whom God placed in ecclesiastical authority over us. Yes, such a thing is true.
You folks claim to know so much, but in the end know very little. Let me see if I can explain this in a way in which you can understand. We have a thing called the Constitution of the United States which is the guide to how our governmental system operates. By itself it does nothing, it can do nothing because it is only the words on paper.
What gives the Constitution life is the people we elect as legislators and it is known as the Congress. That body of men has the authority and power to decide things, to make stuff happen. They are the final power. Yes, the Supreme Court can rule on something, but the Congress ultimately has the power to change that ruling by initiating the Amendment process.
The Scriptures operate the same way. They are words on paper, beautiful words, but still words. By themselves they do nothing, they are the guide to our salvation and should be heeded. So what did God do? He gave us the Church, made up of real men, with real authority to decide things in practice here on earth.
How do we even have the New Testament as we know it? It was put together by the leaders of the Christian Church here on earth and that is a historical fact that cannot be denied. Who conducts our worship services? Why those same men in the religious authority over us and at this all happens at the church of our choice.
Don't even you follow what the pastor of your church says, or are you free to go off on your own? Yes, the Church does indeed have a very important part to play as we live our lives. The Church and God is one and the same, they cannot be separated. It is the bride of Christ here on earth, put here for our benefit and there is no denying that truth.