Scarlett, I'm not holding this up as a wonderful way to confront a child.
With my now teenage daughters, I can't imagine spanking them at their age. When they were younger, as in little and doing dangerous things, ie reaching for the stove and things that could hurt them, I would slap the reaching hand ONCE and firmly say no. I did spank, but not with a belt, for outright telling me no, but always on the bottom and never more than a few swats. It was very rare.
But the mother...if you go find where the daughter posted this on youtube and ranted how she didn't have her car and her money, you'll see that the mother was also very involved. She appeared to fully participate, initiating the whole matter, used a belt herself, and also cussed at the child, refused to hand the belt to her husband and told him no straight out, appearing to want to use it herself, and at the end she viciously slams the door.
You can also hear him talking about how the issue of lying, stealing, and disobedience had been brewing for six months. The father states in the video that he'd been trying to stop it for that long and that this is what it came to. This sounds like parents who tried to put a stop to it for half a year and then snapped. BOTH of them. I don't buy that the mother was somehow coerced into it. I was in a marriage that wasn't so great once to a guy from another country. He wanted to discipline one of our kids by striking her on the bottom of the foot with a piece of wood when she disobeyed him once. I THINK NOT. As a mother, I'd move heaven and earth to protect my children from something I thought was abusive. And I have gone very far to keep them safe, healthy, and away from anyone who would have it in them to treat them in a way I thought was abusive. That's a parents JOB! Instead, she participated. If she truly thought it was abuse, there's no excuse for that and she's just as guilty as the husband both for participating and if it honestly had happened repeatedly in that matter, for not reporting a crime to the police.
It also strikes me as odd that the child quit crying the SECOND the parents walked out of the room. That tells me some of her reaction was for show. Deep, intense sobbing doesn't stop the second the parents aren't watching. Then the timing of the all just strikes me as odd and that maybe this really wasn't something repeated. Looks more like a disgruntled young lady who got mad at being told to get a job and get her life together, that daddy wouldn't be giving more handouts if she wasn't going to work for her own living and her and mom came together to do this. She's railing against the dad and excusing the mom for the exact same behaviors. Something is very fishy about it all.
So while I wouldn't/couldn't do that to my own kids, and one did something a while back that made me have to walk away before I lost it...I can't sit in judgment. If my daughter would have repeated what she did wrong for six months in a row, I may have been frightened and angry enough to try to scare the behavior out of her for her own good as it was something that endangered her safety and well-being. But we talked it through and put some new rules in place.
Raising teens isn't always easy. I have this feeling that I've been very blessed with mine because I work with teens and have seen the worst of the worst. Maybe, just maybe as a judge, he's also seen it and knows where that type of behavior can lead. Anger is always based in fear, so my perception is that his anger had a firm base in fear over her well-being and fear that he was losing control in his own home and couldn't keep her safe from the road he'd seen others go down.
None of us know for sure though. I just think it's harsh to jump to the conclusion that this is a horrible, terrible father who abused his whole family all the time based on an obvious set-up video.