Again, you misunderstand my meaning. I am saying that in the Bible when a figure of speech is used, it is clearly a figure of speech. Usually, in fact, the text gives the meaning.This is an artificial man-made rule of convenience for literalists to say that metaphors have to be explained or otherwise they must be literally understood. Some are explained and some aren't. Shall we discuss some metaphors, especially in the OT, that are not "explained right in the text"?
Christ's parables are extended metaphors. And if the meaning was not clear to His disciples, He gave clear explanations.
I completely disagree. It would be impossible for God to see a day and a 1000 years equally if He did not exist outside of the space time continuum that He created.Your passage says nothing about God being outside of time. Whither He is or isn't is not the issue. The idea is that God is faithful in whatever He promises or threatens - whether the the thing promised happens in a day or a thousand years. That is, after all, what the naysayers were basically saying, "Look. All these years and nothing has happened that was prophesied." But Peter in effect tells them that time is not at all a factor in His fulfilling His promises. It will happen in His good time.
And if you sincerely want to discuss doctrine with me, don't start with attacking me personally in three different ways. I did not do that with you, and my intent in the OP was not to demean anyone. You are reading that into my statements. No one else on the thread has taken them that way. "Judge righteous judgment."And, John, if you sincerely want discussion don't start with being demeaning to your opposition.