Darron Steele
New Member
No need.Acts 10:43
43 To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins."
Mark 16:16
16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.
You harmonize these passages.
They are not contradictory. Mark 16:16 does not say `those who believe yet are not baptized will be condemned' -- that is your inference.
Now, you still need to do what I told you that you need to do. Once again, rather than deal with Acts 10:43 itself directly, you pointed to another passage.
Why?You have made no comments on the points on Acts 2:38 on the Greek scholars that do not agree with you and have made no comment on Acts 22:16 on the Greek grammar.
I have indulged you and indulged you and indulged you in your calls to focus on other passages. It is your turn to address one of them.
Emphasis mine
I repeat: it is past time for you to do so.Darron Steele said:You insist that I am the one who needs to substantiate my position. I am not. For now, I am no longer going to give much heed to your `What about this passage, what about that passage, what about this other, and yet this other' and on and on and on. I have dealt lightly with a few of those already, but do not plan to indulge you further. No passage explicitly states your position -- you are totally dependent upon human inference of a few passages. YOU are the individual who needs to substantiate how your position can be right when there is an explicit statement of Scripture that speaks directly against it.
There is no way that your human inferences of Scripture can possibly be correct if they are incompatible with an explicit statement of Scripture. For you to convince me that your human inferences of other portions of Scripture even might be valid, you need to deal directly with this explicit statement of Scripture and show how your position is not directly contrary to it. It is past time for you to attempt to do so.
The passage says of Jesus Christ at 10:43 "everyone that believeth on him |receives| remission of sins" (ASV|ESV|ASV).Instead you just accuse me by using another passage that we are not dealing with in detail. I understand what the passage says in Acts 10:34, but this is not talking about a normative case,
You say that this was not meant be a `normative' statement? How can "everyone" not be normative? No way.
Also, the New Testament church made a major decision based on the events of Acts 10:34-8 in Acts 15. Looks like they thought it was normative to me!
I accuse you of no such thing.It is intersting that I am accused of what you are really doing, you take every simply stated passage that does teach baptism to remise sins or wash away sins and try to force an idea into that is not there.
I believe you are not making a distinction between human inference and explicit statement. I did not say that you were trying to make us believe something you know Scripture does not teach. I believe you really and truly think your human inferences are valid.
There is no passage that states the likes of `Everyone who faileth to be baptized shall be condemned.' These passages do not.It cannot just mean what is says but has to be forced into agreeing with you. So Acts 2:38 and Acts 22:16 ...
I have shown that those passages can be understood in ways that do not teach your position, and which do not contradict the explicit statement of Acts 10:43. Again, human inference is not correct when it discords with an explicit statement of Scripture. There is no passage that states states the likes of `Everyone who faileth to be baptized shall be condemned' as you teach.
Yes, these discussions do annoy me. I do not enjoy them.I tell you what, I am enjoying this discussion very much, but it seems that you are getting aggravated with me and accusing me of being dishonest just I did with you.
Do you really think I come to the Internet and think `I want to debate with someone today'? I do not.
This subject has been covered over and over and over again on this board. Further, the same arguments are used. Do you think I come to the Internet and think `I want to argue with someone today, about the same subject I have done over and over and over again?' No way.
Still, I know how your position must be resisted. First of all, Christians die unbaptized all the time; I do not want people worrying that deceased loved Christians face eternal barbecue. Second, it disrupts the unity of the Lord's church, because Christians who buy your error will not even acknowledge unbaptized Christians. Your position, if unresisted, spreads, so I usually take on the task, despite my wishes it would just go away.
As for your other statement, I accused you of no dishonesty. Period.
Further, I am not avoiding any of your points. If I was to give my full heed to even your most trivial proposals, things I need to do in real life would be neglected. Therefore, I stick to main points.
For now, YES....so what are we going to talk about, just Acts 10:43?...
You deny that a person is saved unless s/he is baptized. If a person believes on Jesus Christ, yet for some reason fails to be baptized, s/he remains condemned in sin.
You need to explain how "Everyone that believeth on him |receives| remission of sins" (ASV|ESV|ASV) can be true -- and at the same time, your position to the contrary can be harmonious with that passage.
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