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The Army's hard sell

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Travelsong, Jun 28, 2005.


    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    No problem them marrying! the salient point is
    now there is a connection and a transportation
    pipeline for Iraqis to come to Mexico and what
    if ..lets say 5% Al Qaeda trained so has nothing
    to do with love and mixing of races ..I am all
    for that big time...but it shows that our military
    has outsource soldiers jobs to Mexico which in
    turn could bring an Iraqi blood connection to
    our border. If you read the newspaper account
    7% of our soldiers are not really our soldiers
    they are from Mexico...what if they were to
    all quit or the United States brought about strict
    enforcement for US national status...that means
    7% would have to be made up very quickly or
    even implement the draft...so the subject has
    everything to do with troop strength over there
    and the hard sell of getting people to join up
    apparently the people joining up are not always
    from the United States...like 7% of them flying
    the Mexican flag.Which seaways into how they
    could accept Iraqi culture and people back into

    Bottom line is you have 7% of the soldier over
    there flying the Mexican flag..see article..
    and carpo said ...they are selective and apparently that is a bunch of bull hockey. imho
  2. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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  3. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    You didn't read your own source article very well , did you Aslan?

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    I read it just fine

    you have no response to our troops being outsourced and that is part of the hard sell
    problem..who needs American boys when you can
    get Mexican boys is my salient point either
    you have a response to that or you don't.

    I think the topic is the Armys Hard sell and
    I see the article as totally related.

    So instead of dodging and thinking you are funny
    actually discuss the issue but I will not hold
    my breath.


    Recognizing the growing importance of immigrants in an Army that has struggled to meet its recruiting goals, the government is hastening citizenship for those who serve in the Armed Forces long term. There were 28,000 immigrant soldiers five years ago; that number has climbed to 39,000 today, not counting the thousands of foreign contractors hired since 9/11. So far, 59 immigrant casualties have been granted posthumous citizenship - and a new rule allows their families to use the deceased as a sponsor for their own residency papers. Even illegal immigrants who enter the forces under false pretenses have a chance at legal residency if they see combat.
  5. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I think it is an honorable thing for those who wish to be citizens of our country to be allowed the opportunity to earn it quicker through military service. I also think that this also shows a great committment toward the USA on the parts of the Hispanic immigrants to do so. It also shows how much they really want to come and be productive members of our society. God Bless Them.

    Joseph Botwinick
  6. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    "Mr. Bentley at the DHS says most immigrant soldiers have been in the US since they were young, have grown up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school, and have acquired the language and mannerisms of Yanks. Many already feel like Americans; citizenship only makes it official.

    "I've been here for a long time, I feel like this is my home," says Spc. Hector Bolly, a Mexican national who received his citizenship in El Paso on Wednesday. "If you think about it, you'd rather be in the US than Mexico - it's a better place over here, and when you're a citizen, it's easier to become whatever you want to become."

    Many of them will make loyal and hard working citizens. They're not any more of a terrorist risk that Ted Kennedy or Hillary Clinton. At least they're trying to kill the terrorist instead of encourage them.
  7. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Amen, Carpro! [​IMG]

    Joseph Botwinick

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Then why would these group of Mexican soldiers
    fly the Mexican flag? was in cinco de mayo in
    Iraq that day?

    In a country where some are skeptical of immigration, yet most are hesitant to re institute the draft, ethical questions abound over immigrants' role in the Army - chiefly, perhaps, the idea of dying for a flag that is not ones own, compelled by opportunities for advancement. With thousands of immigrants in Iraq and elsewhere, the US, critics say, is outsourcing its war.

    Ted Kennedy is an American citizen served in the military...Hillary "The Goldwater Girl" is an American citizen as well
    so that remark is total rhetoric which is fine if
    it makes you feel good on a high horse go for it.

    I don't believe the post that we are very selective at all and we are really having a
    challenge filling the ranks ..in fact we lowered
    the standards and recruiting goals. imho

    Yes they will make great citizens but I would
    feel a whole lot better if we were 100% American.

    It is outsourcing naked and simple..right there
    in front of our faces.
  9. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Gasp...How dare they hold on to their Mexican heritage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They must be terrorists, or at the very least, uncommitted!!!!!!!!!! :eek: [​IMG]

    Joseph Botwinick

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Okay we are back to funny ..sort of and you can
    do that and of course ..I am not calling them
    terrorists I think the article makes that clear.

    Okay direct questions Joe..should a Mexican soldier go in your place..when it really is your

    and of course its always questionable when you
    have outsourced your military work to foreigners
    I would say a high percentage are committed but
    are they as committed if it were 100% United
    States soldiers.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Sorry Joe you can still answer the question but
    did anyone see this little blurb in Agape Press

    A military expert and Pentagon advisor says the United States should look at Germany if it wants to find a way to solve the long-term military recruiting problem. While President Bush and most Pentagon officials want to avoid a draft, retired Army Lt. Colonel Bob Maginnis says unless the pace of the war on terror decreases, conscription might be America's best recourse. He notes, "I have a half-brother who lives in Germany who, when he was 18, after his high school, had to provide mandatory public service -- either the military or he could go into social service. It was still the same 18-month obligation. He helped invalids in his community, and it was an organized program." While his brother chose the social service option, Maginnis points out that the Germans "fill their army with conscripts who would rather go into the army." The military advisor says unless the current pace of the war decreases, the U.S. might have to reinstate the draft, and he feels the German option would be fair to everyone. [Chad Groening]

    © 2005 AgapePress all rights reserved
  12. Hardsheller

    Hardsheller Active Member
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    Jun 21, 2002
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    Well I think it's a sad day for America when Illegal Aliens and Mexican Nationals are willing to volunteer to put their lives on the line for America and many of you "American Patriots" who are so vocal are not.

    I don't care where you stand politically. If you're not willing to volunteer to serve your country in a military uniform during this War on Terrorism then you're just another Bill Clinton to me.

    John Kerry, George W. Bush and Al Gore are all Heroes and Patriots compared to you weinees.
  13. RockRambler

    RockRambler New Member

    Sep 15, 2004
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    Many times a man's passion to wage war increases as his passion to make love decreases.

    (Or substitute "play golf" for "wage war")
  14. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    Other nationalities have been enlisting in our military to obtain citizenship for decades.

    It's certainly better than just granting amnesty to lawbreakers who enter the country illegally. These individuals in the military are at least willing to pay a price to become citizens instead of taking a free ride on the entitlement system.

    Your last comment almost pulled my trigger, but I'm under control now. :mad:

    The fact that you or anyone else would question their committment is beyond shameful and reveals a clear lack of understanding of a combat environment. They are 100% committed. No American could possibly be more so.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    I am referring to the the ones that fly the Mexican flag outside their quarters..so get off your high horse ..you laugh then you hate..now I guess it is time to laugh again. :rolleyes:

    If you were an American soldier and you came
    across a group of Latinos flying the Mexican flag

    bump the article from agape press I thought it
    was very telling.

    did anyone see this little blurb in Agape Press

    A military expert and Pentagon advisor says the United States should look at Germany if it wants to find a way to solve the long-term military recruiting problem. While President Bush and most Pentagon officials want to avoid a draft, retired Army Lt. Colonel Bob Maginnis says unless the pace of the war on terror decreases, conscription might be America's best recourse. He notes, "I have a half-brother who lives in Germany who, when he was 18, after his high school, had to provide mandatory public service -- either the military or he could go into social service. It was still the same 18-month obligation. He helped invalids in his community, and it was an organized program." While his brother chose the social service option, Maginnis points out that the Germans "fill their army with conscripts who would rather go into the army." The military advisor says unless the current pace of the war decreases, the U.S. might have to reinstate the draft, and he feels the German option would be fair to everyone. [Chad Groening]
  16. Hardsheller

    Hardsheller Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 21, 2002
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    I flew the Georgia State Flag in Viet Nam. The old Flag which was half Confederate

    Did that make me suspect to my comrades in arms?

  17. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    It is only my duty if I am drafted. If I am drafted, I will do my duty and not run like a coward to the border. How about you? Speaking of the border, isn't it interesting how when it comes to war, the Mexicans will cross the border to fight for the country and the cowards will cross the other border to avoid fighting for their country? People have been fighting and dying in our place for decades and even centuries. They have volunteered to do so, and I honor their sacrifice by living as a free American, teaching their kids, supporting their mission instead of vilifying it, and by standing by ready to go if called. Not everyone is meant to do the same thing. Everyone who contributes to America serves it in different ways, and I do not feel the least bit guilty that I chose to serve it as a teacher. Only a pharisee would use a guilt trip for political reasons.

    and of course its always questionable when you
    have outsourced your military work to foreigners
    I would say a high percentage are committed but
    are they as committed if it were 100% United
    States soldiers.

    I don't question them. I would say they are a million times more committed to America and it's mission in Iraq than the liberal anti-war cowards. They are more patriotic than the liberal cowards ever will be and are earning their citizenship and respect a million times over.

    Joseph Botwinick
  18. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    That is your opinion, but not a very intelligent one. We all serve our country in many different ways. The difference between me and Bill Clinton is that I will not run to the border to avoid a draft. If I am drafted, I will go and do my duty. But, don't you dare look down your elitist military nose at me for not choosing the military as a career. I honor and respect those who did, my dad included during Vietnam. But, you have no right to disrespect me because I am not a military man. That is nothing but bitter hatred. It is interesting that growing up, I used to hear military folks say things like we went so you wouldn't have to. They don;t want the ordinary person going. They are heros who sacrificed their lives. If it gets to the point where my country needs me and drafts me, I will go. As of right now, apparently, our generals on the ground and our president don't think that is necessary.

    Finally, let me say that I agree about Al Gore and George W. Bush. I disagree about John Kerry and if you have read what many people who served with him say about him, I think you will understand why. I think Kerry is a traitor who helped defeat the United States military with hsi political anti-war rhetoric. I don't think of him as a hero at all.

    Joseph Botwinick
  19. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Is this the old hippy make love not war message. Not exactly a Christian message if you think about what they were really saying.

    Joseph Botwinick
  20. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Of course, I would. Like what is the symbolism of your flag? Why don't you tell me more about your culture? What is life like in Mexico? Is that the reason you want to become an American? Is that the reason you are willing to fight and possibly die for your citizenship while many Americans would flee to Canada like cowards if a draft were instituted? Man, I can really respect that. You are a million times more patriotic than those cowards are. I respect you a million times more than I do them.

    Joseph Botwinick