But everyone who is reading and interpreting the text read it and interpret it according to the tradition of their denomination. This is my point and this thread is a perfect example. Another example is
a thread in which I am also participating, where the topic of baptism is being discussed. In that thread, I mentioned that in 1 Peter 3:21, the text
explicitly states that baptism saves. Yet some are arguing that it does not really mean baptism saves, despite the text explicitly stating it does. (I don't want to turn this thread into a discussion of baptism, but I am just using that as an example.)
My point again is, everyone is using the Scriptures to make your case, what does that say about the ability to resolve exegetical and doctrinal disagreements using Scripture alone?
And once the two points of disagreement are placed side by side, who decides which is the correct position / interpretation? Who is the final arbiter of what is or is not the truth?