Originally Posted by DHK
By subsequent posts you go on to say that works are necessary to salvation. You have done this over and over again. Thus the emphasis.
I have never said this. I said works were a necissary result of faith. If no faith no works. Therefore, you first sentence here is inaccurate.
Look at the difference:
I said that you said: "Works are necessary to salvation."
You said, "not true," But, "If no faith no works."
The two statements are almost the same. They teach the same. They both teach a works salvation. Works must be part of faith or the person is not saved. Thus I gave you examples, but you wrote them blithely off as "non sequitor," when if fact, they were the very examples that prove this point of yours wrong. What works did the thief on the cross have? You just said: "If no faith no works." Then Jesus lied to the thief, didn't he? That is according to your theology he lied.
I gave you clear examples of people that you would consider not saved, because in your own words (not an exact quote) they had no verifiable works that anyone could see), and therefore would not be saved.
Again I never said that. I said I was doubtful about Lot. Again your next sentence is also inaccurate.
Right, you said you were doubtful about Lot.
My purpose was to show you that there was no reason to be doubtful
about what the Scriptures say about Lot. Why are you doubting? Does philosophy trump the Bible?
Your view is that salvation is by faith, faith that produces works
Yes this is true! Amen and Hallelujiah! Finally an accurate statement!!!
However, the faith and works are so inextricably bound to each other (according to you) that one way or another it still ends up to be a works salvation. That is precisely the reason why I pointed to Lot and the thief, and to Nicodemus, all of which you dismissed in "your sanctimonious way."
But what if the works cannot be seen
It doesn't consern me. God sees what is done in private. He is the judge not I.
It does concern you. That is why you are willing to pass judgment on Lot. You were doubtful. But you were willing, at first, to pass judgment on him. You didn't see his works. You saw his progeny and passed judgement on him for that reason. Now your reason above is rather sanctimonious isn't it?
Then, by your standard, you don't really believe that person is saved, correct?
Nope incorrecte again. as you see irrelevant.
It is not incorrect or irrelevant.
As seen in the example of Lot you were originally willing to pass judgment that he wasn't really saved.
As for the thief on the cross I believe you are double minded. If it weren't for the clear words of Jesus, you would probably say that he had to be unsaved. There were no works involved there either. Remember your words: "If no faith, no works" But he had faith, and no works." It doesn't fit your paradigm.
As I read the posts I saw no sustained discussion on eschatology
all you have to do is read the previous post between Dr. Walter and I like post 75, 74,73, 72 etc... How do you define sustained? And How do you define "current context"?
You either gave me the wrong posts or are deliberately deceitful.
I read everything from 71 to 76. Some of those were my own posts. Some dealt with James and justification by faith. And one or two simply dealt with justification. Not one was devoted to eschatology. You have to do better than that!!
Perhaps you will have to direct me to some links. Post 76 was more like a tirade than any thought out answer.
Not only did I clarify post 76 but post 76 was an answer to you inquiry why I called your post "peachy and sanctimonious". By nature to explain why I found you post to be "preachy and sanctimonioius" I have to detail what it was that you said and why I responded the way I did. If that sounds like a tirade so be it.
When a person answers with logical answers concerning people like Lot, and the thief on the cross, and you do not respond to the post, but write it off as "preachy and sanctimonious" you have lost the debate and possibly the privilege to debate. That is what happens when people do this on a sustained basis. It no longer is debate, it is a tirade of personal insult. And
so be it is not acceptable either.
I did not preach, I answered
Answered what? I didn't ask you any questions? Nor was I on that topic at that time.
I answered your post. Instead of having the decency to answer it, you went on a tirade of personal insult.
I was not being sanctimonious
If you weren't then that is for you to decide. I on the other hand percieved your post to be that way considering the context of the discussion.
Considering the context of the discussion keep your name-calling to yourself. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. Go back and read the posting rules. They are at the bottom of each page if you are unfamiliar with them.
That is a personal attack which should have been edited.
It was a perseption of your post or a critic of it, however you may want to edit it if you view it as a personal attack.
I am well enough acquainted with the English language to know when a person is using derogatory language. It was uncalled for. You can do better.