It appears all Calvinists posting of this board belief in Closed Theism. God is Omniscient, with Omniscient meaning God knows everything imaginable. Therefore God knows the future. And God's knowledge is perfect, He does not have a mistaken or inaccurate knowledge of the future. Foreknowledge presupposes the future is certain. Therefore the view of Omniscience requires that everything is predetermined, and this view is called exhaustive determinism.
God is not the indirect cause of anything because His foreknowledge requires that whatsoever comes to pass is ordained (predestined) by God.
Picture a murder. Closed Theism by logical necessity requires that God had perfect foreknowledge of the murder and therefore the murder was predestined, making God the author of the evil deeds of men. But God punishes the man for his deeds which God predestined.
Closed Theism makes God into a monster, and this monster God is the God of Calvinism.
God is not the indirect cause of anything because His foreknowledge requires that whatsoever comes to pass is ordained (predestined) by God.
Picture a murder. Closed Theism by logical necessity requires that God had perfect foreknowledge of the murder and therefore the murder was predestined, making God the author of the evil deeds of men. But God punishes the man for his deeds which God predestined.
Closed Theism makes God into a monster, and this monster God is the God of Calvinism.