Read carefully my quote from what you said. Then go back and read the full statement of what you actually said.
The Bible says: "By thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."
Again here is what I said:
You said that you go to Baptist churches, as you come here, preaching your doctrine.
"Your doctrine" is not Baptistic in nature. Ask other Baptists. Ask Biblicist if he would assess your doctrine as "Baptist." If it is not Baptist, then what is it? Just because you write it down on a profile doesn't mean it is. You can write anything you want; that doesn't make you a Baptist.
Jesus said: "You shall know them by their fruit."
When he said "fruit," he wasn't talking about works, but rather doctrine.
The context was false teachers. The Bible is our authority. We know a false teacher by the authority of the Bible. I am not saying you are a false teacher, I am giving an example.
We shall know if your doctrine is Baptist by your posts. I think most people have already made up their mind by now. So if your not a Baptist what are you?
You bring "your doctrine" to this board and to Baptist churches." Obviously not Baptist doctrine; so what doctrine is it? Enlighten us!