"We testify of that we know."The Sabbath BECAUSE Christ on it rose from the dead received "Lordly" status as day of its Victor's "Lordly" victory : ‘Kuriakee Heemera’ —who Himself received LORDSHIP BECAUSE of his “Lordly” Victory – “the LORD is a Man of War : the LORD TRIUMPHED gloriously.” … from “the Song of Moses and OF THE LAMB”. Throughout the Scriptures the same glorious Theme of Christ’s Victory over the Last Enemy, Death.
Please, DHK, do not expect me to talk about myself or about my keeping of the Sabbath while absorbed in the overwhelming observing and worship of the greatness of His Heavenly Majesty’s Excellencies where God exalted Christ at his own right hand WHEN HE RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD.
What do you know? What are you able to testify of? You keep starting threads on the Sabbath? Why?
Perhaps the Sabbath to you is the same as the Christian Sabbath was to Moody, that is, Sunday.
So, if it is, how do you observe this day? How important is it too you. Thread after thread you have started on the Sabbath Day. If it is that important to you then let your practice demonstrate your theology, or is there no fruit that results from your theology. Which is it? How does your theology affect your daily living?