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Most Christians don’t want to hear that God has anointed others
with powerful spiritual gifts … when they have not been.
This attitude has resulted in a weak and powerless church over the years.
Yes, this is the condition of the church today … but it started some 1800 years ago!
This selfish attitude caused God’s Church to become man’s church.
And God said, “Okay, if you insist on going in this direction, I’ll back off.”
(Remember, it has always been God’s plan to accomplish His goals on earth
with a co-operative effort between Himself and man, who has free will.)
However, Satan had a huge part in this …
“the god (ruler) of this world (age)” (John 12:31, 2 Corinthians 4:4)
has always had a great influence in the affairs of man.
Satan did not want the churches to have spiritual power …
for the churches’ S-W-M were a great confirmation of the truth of the gospel,
which can help people come to the Lord,
and these S-W-M are what produce miraculous healings, etc.
Those in charge of the big churches 1800 years ago wanted to be in control.
The following is what these men did NOT want:
-- God to be in control of the churches (this includes His use of S-W-M)
-- ditto for God’s anointed apostles and prophets (who ran the NT churches)
-- to acknowledge S-W-M
-- anyone in the church with more anointing than they had
-- to look spiritually inferior to anyone
-- to risk losing their power, prestige, jobs, etc.
These are the reasons why men in control of the large post-apostolic churches
increasingly chose to fight against God’s anointing of certain believers
who had some of the 9 spiritual power gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1-11).
So, they came up with the excuse that S-W-M ceased with the passing of the apostles.
Jesus is the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit (Mt. 3:11, Mk. 1:8, Lk. 3:16, Jn. 1:33).
And His special anointing baptism has absolutely nothing to do with salvation.
The experience is simply called “the baptism with the Holy Spirit”,
and the initial evidence (confirmation) of receiving it is speaking in tongues.
The tongues here is a one-time sign, just a confirmation of what happened.
I’m not talking about the spiritual gift of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:10).
This baptism also was claimed to have ceased with the passing of the apostles.
And other excuses were devised by Satan and man to weaken the churches’ spiritual power.