Potentially? I was saved for many years and never manifested what the Bible says I can by the power of the Holy Spirit. Why? Because I was not taught correctly!!
Lets see...I speak with other tongues..I have laid hands on the sick and they have recovered. I have rebuked the devil on many occasions. As for as the snakes and scorpions...Luke 10:19 will shed some light to that!
I have not ignored the scriptures or taken them out of context! You on the other hand have explained them away or ignore them all together.
Again, Mark is very clear that those things "SHALL" follow those who merely BELIEVE THE GOSPEL not because of further instruction about MSW.
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe;
Mark does not say "and these signs shall follow them that believe and are in additional properly instructed about Miracles, signs and wonders." That is what you want it to say but that is not what it says. On Pentecost they were not seeking MSW but they were given immediately to the apostles. When the apostles laid hands on others they were not seeking MSW or given further instruction but IMMEDIATELY they received these sign wonders when hands were laid on them. Paul told the Corinthians it is not their seeking gifts that obtains them but the Spirit gives such gifts as he pleases (1 Cor. 12:11) and He is not pleased to give tongues and other gifts to every Christian (1 Cor. 12:29-30). You are rewriting, reinterpreting scripture to make it subjective to your experience and the Bible says that is not the proper way - Isa. 8:20
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