far as that goes, we have some common beliefs with such cults as JW & LDS.
The probs we have with the RCC is not about common beliefs, but with the RCC's MAN-MADE false doctrines such as mariolatry, purgatory, office of pope with his Dagon-head mitres, creation of man-made saints, etc.
Oy . . .
Complete and total
Time for a
history lesson . . .
First of all - the Bishop’s miter
didn’t develop into its present form until the
late Middle Ages – which is
LONG after all of the
“Dagon worshippers” were all dead and gone. Before that, it was a
shorter version.
Dagon worshippers also forbade the
eating of fish, which is something the Catholic Church has
NEVER done. In fact, we’ve been
accused by you anti-Catholics for eating
TOO MUCH fish during Lent and that the Church had a
financial interest in the fish industry. Another
asinine and
unsubstantiated charge . . .
confusion stems from the fact that you are
ignorant of the customs and practices of
Early Christianity.
Next time you’re driving on the
freeway, pay attention to some of the
cars with the Christian
“Fish” symbol on the back. This symbol is an ancient
CHRISTIAN symbol for
Christ called.
“ICHTHUS”. The letters inside the fish are the
Greek letters which are the initials of the words
I (ēsous)
Ch (ristos)
th (eou)
s (ōtēr) meaning
“Jesus Christ Son of God Savior”.
The fact that some ancient
pagan culture did something first
doesn’t mean that it was
“adopted” by a later culture. They just happen to use the
same symbol for
different things.
Case in
point – the Protestant
“altar call”. An altar is a place of
sacrifice – and Protestants
reject the idea of sacrificing
anything to God on an altar. Are they
“adopting” Catholic doctrine – or does it have a
different meaning??
Another example is the
wedding ring, which has roots in
paganism. Were
YOU parttaking in
“pagan worship” when you slipped a ring on your
wife’s finger??
So, the
next time you feel the need to post something as
unfounded as this ridiculous charge – do your
homework . . .