Even worse, this "apostle" has a male "spouse": http://thecovenantnetwork.com/apostles/. These people clearly fooled you about what they are. Why? Simply because they speak in tongues and you thought they had a good explanation. Shouldn't that say something to you about the legitimacy of what you are advocating here?That will teach me for not checking on the organization! :BangHead: Still, the ideals presented here are similar to what I see as the difference between the gift of tongues [which YOU know I do not advocate or even support, nor do I say you have to have tongues as an evidence] and a prayer language!
If you'll look back at a previous post of mine, I listed many aberrant groups in the past that have advocated speaking in tongues. If anything, the Charismatic movement is even worse--something you yourself decried! (See my unanswered post #55 at: http://www.baptistboard.com/showthread.php?t=92833&page=6)
No offense, but I simply can't understand why a Baptist would want to be publicly aligned with such groups in the past and present. If I did speak in tongues, tell you what, I'd sure keep quiet about it rather than be mistaken for one of those weird, aberrant groups that claim to be Christian: the Shakers, the Irvingites, the Latter Rain Movement (kicked out of even the Church of God) and so many others.
Again, forgive me, but why are you defending it so strongly if you don't want to convert anyone to your position? Isn't that what debate is about, proving the other wrong?And if you had read my entire post you would have read the following -
***I surely don't think any of you should agree with this, but there are those of us who do believe in a prayer language, and I ask what does it hurt. At least PnS and I were couragous enough to admit we do, but it doesn't hinder our ability to fellowship with any of you because we are not here on the board trying to convert anyone of you to what we believe! I hope the above and the link from whence it came, helps to shine some light on what and why we believe like we do! Shalom! ***
In my experience, every single tongues speaker I've ever known has tried to convert me to speaking in tongues. Once down in Tokyo a Japanese woman came up to me and tried to get me to speak in tongues, even taught me how to get started! She was from a Japanese cult called the イエス之御霊教会, "Spirit of Jesus Church." Check it out here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirit_of_Jesus_Church
So if weird cults and homosexual churches and bizarre groups like the Shakers can speak in tongues, why is it so good? I think this is more than a "guilt by association" argument. It's a "weird groups do this, so why is it Biblical" argument. It doesn't spiritually help these heretics at all that they speak in tongues. How could it help me?
That makes you the rare exception to tongues speakers, as witness your quote from the homosexual church. Almost always, they teach that tongues is the proof of Spirit fullness/baptism.I do not advocate tongues as the proof of being spirit filled. You know that! I was merely sharing what they described as the difference between a gift tongues and a prayer language. The fact is, I was having a difficult tine explaining the difference between the two, and this was to the point!
Surf a little more next time. The "apostle" is "married" to another male "apostle." :tonofbricks:As for the GLBT, that was unfortunate, but like Zaac would say, this is why the church is here to witness and minister to this group! I would have to ask the pastor what he means, before I condemn their approach to the GLBT culture and ministry style. After pointing this out, and reading further, I do not see that they are approving this group, just reaching out and ministering to them by opening their doors and preaching the truth.
If they are accpeting gays and letting them remain in their sin after being born-agin, then shame on them! Nevertheless, I do not read that into what they say! Still, I was only sharing their excellent snap shot showing the differences.
And "whoops" from you for posting quotes you don't agree with!YOU should KNOW by now that I do not, and NEVER will advocate tongues as anything mandatory. And I said this many times, it does not put a us in superior position to you. If anything, it makes us less than, and more subservient, in order to be supportive to your needs as part of the body! One part of the body is not better than another. The toe can't be greater than the ear, and you know what I believe, so shame on you :smilewinkgrin: for trying to make an issue out of a non issue!
I believe you are a good man, just badly mistaken about your "prayer tongue" (a term and practice completely unknown in church history until the Charismatic movement.)Still, thanks for pointing this out [the GLBT] as I stand corrected and embarrassed for not reading about their beliefs. I was only interested in the good defintion of one gift over the other!
As I showed in this post, the gift of tongues is quite different than having a prayer language! And if you don't have a PL, that doesn't make you less than or better than me. We are and always will be brothers, on the same playing field, fighting the same battle, moving toward the same end, heaven!
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