>Show us the passage that says we are to focus on edifying ourselves.<
I think you must have just skipped this, because it was there, in my comment, but here it is again: (2 Timothy 2:15 - AMP), "Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth."
>Your excerpt from Matthew Henry's commentary is compelling; but it's referring to the book of Luke. What does his commentary say about 1 Cor 12-14?< Good question .... however, I was not pasting something on 1 Cor 12-14, but on that specific portion of scripture that MH Commentary discussed, and spoke quite well to!
>Really? You know exactly what you're saying? Or are you just giving utterance to your feelings? In which case, that's not a language; it's not a tongue. I groan and moan when I feel pain; I shout out when I feel joy. Am I speaking in tongues? Or am I merely giving utterance?<
WELL, I was afraid you'd ask this, and I am hesitant to answer, because you may not believe me, since you are dead set against tongues as a prayer language. Since you have self attached blinders, what I say next may not meant a thing to you, but, I am sure PnS and others wil confirm what I say as truth ... and that is when I speak in my prayer closet in my prayer language, it is selfedifying. In other words, no, I do not get an answer so to speak, meaning another interprets for me ... but, this is where I believe what Paul writes in Romans 8:26 (NLT) pertains to those of us using a private tongue, as we read, "And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for uswith groanings that cannot be expressed in words."
This is where I believe the only one that has to understand us is the Holy Ghost, and He takes our utterances straight to God. Does that mean our utterances get there quicker, or our understood better, or even given preferential treatment. No! But, regardless of how we pray, or what we say when we pray, it is what is in our heart that the Holy Ghost picks up on and carries directly to the ears of God and makes our unspoken desires and needs known!
Also, and I can't speak for others, there are many times when I am praying, going in and out of common language and tongues, that I get inspired, and either find scripture pertaining to a need, or God gives me the words of inspiration and turns them into a message.
Again, does this make me better than those who do not speak in a private tongue? NO, it doesn't! Does it give me a leg up when communicating with God? I doubt it! But, for me, it is an experience that those of you who do not desire to have this gift, can never understand or pretend to know!
I'd say to you skeptics, try it, and I gaurantee you'll never go back to the place where you judged s who use it. Try it and you will see why we use it. It is a siritual enhancement to our prayer exerience ...BUT, it is NOT for everyone, and not any kind of requirement!
May I suggest to those who are currently judging us, to just stop being judgemental. You only hurt yourselves. And here is what I think. If prayer language is of our own works, God will take care of us when we get to heaven. It isnt that deal breaker. We all know the deal breaker is rejecting Jesus as Savior.
HOWEVER, on the other hand, if private prayer language is of God, those who judge us and make fun of us and tell us we are going to hell, etc., will also face some form of corrective action once they get to heaven, for bad mouthing a true gift from the Spirit!
I know, and will never not know, that the tongues of Pentecost were a spiritually induced crash course in foreign languages giving those in the Upper Room the ability to communicate in the tongue of all those visiting the city on that holiday!
However, I still hold to the teaching, and it is a small teaching at that [like the gift itself is small], that God does grant those who seek it, a private prayer language. I've provided the verses to support that, and it is more for the user than the masses!
Don, thanks for your thorough breakdown and questions. However, I need to point out that while I am not pushing for anyone here to obtain the gift, I am asking that those who disagree with us who hold the gift, to let us be. In other words, "Live and ant be!" It is our problem, if you are right! It is your problem if you are wrong. And at least those of us with the gift aren't criticizing your group, or putting you down. We lovingy admit to having the gift, and leave it there, while your camp does everything POSSIBLE to try and change our minds, and that includes guilt trips, and name calling and mocking us!
I have not heard any of us who utilize tongues, ONCE mock your camp, but it can't be said for your camp when addressing our camp!
When it comes down to it, we love God like you do! We are no different than you. We are among you, but many are afraid to admit it because of the fear of ridicule, and that is a real shame!
Shalom! All my best in the coming Easter Season!