I need you to clarify your objection. Originally your objection was...that Calvinism with it's select few.....here;
I responded about the number of believers being as the stars of heaven or the sand on the sea.
And I do not disagree that the number saved is innumerable. I just think the number damned is greater, using Christ's example from scripture. I believe scripture has a consistent track record of showing us more people turning away God's invitation than accepting it.
Now you go to the words of Jesus?
I don't think you do, but I hope you are not finding fault in me for using the words of the Lord to inform my theological leaning...
So PT...what do you find deplorable?
Calvinism or the words of Jesus ? Ask yourself an honest question....
This one is easy for me, Icon. I find the Calvinist interpretation deplorable. I'm not sure how many times I can show the multiple invitations in scripture, some from the mouth of Christ Himself, that went out to everyone. Every time I or any other non-Cal shows these invitations, the Calvinist just responds that they are not meant for everyone, but only for the Elect.
IF you go to this passage now..and Jesus taught it...How are Cals to blame?
What is it you really are objecting to? To us humanly speaking as sinners...we would like all men to be saved.
Non-Cals always want all men to be saved. We see in scripture that God likewise wants all men to be saved. He wants none to perish. But, oh right, that verse only applies to some, and not all. Because as we all know, no person has ever been talking to a specific group and then referenced a much larger group. You guys act like there is no way that Peter could be talking to saved people and then either referencing the entirety of humanity or even the previous sinful state of the saved and how it relates to all sinners. You guys have decided that 2 Peter 3:9 only applies to the specified group that Peter stated in his introduction, when Peter even says in the opening of chapter 3 that he intends to remind them of things past.
I trust God....100% that He knows exactly what is the perfect plan.
I would hope so. Believe it or not, but non-Cals also believe God and trust Him. We also hold to His plan being perfect. Apparently unlike your side, we do not see God's plan weakened because God allows man to accept or reject Him. If that was part of God's plan, then how is God weakened?
I never question God because of that. If he wanted for His own Holy reasons to save only 354 people that is His perogative.
The fact that He has indeed purposed to save a multitude is pure mercy.
If you've never questioned God then you are a better man than almost everyone I've ever known. God knows we'll have moments of doubt. He knows we'll fall. He know's we'll sin. For that very reason John told us that we have an advocate with the Father.
Not sure what you mean here.....We do not know who is elect, or non elect...so we preach to all men expecting that if God has mercy on them they will hear and see with Spiritual facilities made new by God.
What do I need to clarify here, Icon? Your side throughout the previous thread and this one has said things to the effect of "that scripture does not apply to the lost" or "that verse only references the elect." 2 Peter 3:9 is a clear example. The non-Cals recognize that verse as applicable to all men. The Calvinists say it is only meant for the saved.
My conscience is more than clear...I know how God made himself known to me, no tricks, I was in full rebellion.
I'm happy for you if it is, although I do not understand how it can be. Your very theology, and the man that founded it, states that God actually harbors hatred, to the point of damnation, for a sizable portion of creation...a creation that can only do anything once God propels them to do so. He commands men to repent but never intends to move them to repentance. He invites men to seek His mercy, but never intends to grant that mercy to most of them. Calvin himself said
John Calvin; Institutes of Christian Religion said:
Yet sometimes he also causes those whom he illumines only for a time to partake of it; then he justly forsakes them on account of their ungratefulness and strikes them with even greater blindness.
That, to me, sounds like man could've been grateful to God for such illumination, yet your side says man can only be so if God first moves him to be so. So God illumines people for a time, never moves them to be grateful, and then strikes them with greater blindness for not having something that He never gave them. I wish you could see just how mortifying such a theological system is to someone on my side of the aisle.
I am familiar with some of them....they are easily answered with a consistent view of scripture. If you post a few that you think are strong...I will answer them like we do each others posts.
So once again your side claims the intellectual high ground.
If only you non-Cals had a consistent view of scripture...
What i notice is the non cals hate these links because they cannot answer them without looking foolish.
Did you notice DHK for example boasting that he would not listen to teaching from sermons, or read these good links??? I found that bizarre.
I cannot speak for DHK. I can only speak for myself, Icon. I don't harbor hatred for any link you've shared. I told you my stance. I prefer to lean on scripture rather than a confession written not even 350 years ago. I prefer to glean my doctrine from scripture, rather than how one man interpreted scripture 1500 years after it was written, especially given that the man in question was just as fallible and corrupt as us and that he held to doctrines most of us now despise.
PT...I would listen to the clerk at the gas station if he understood something i did not know.
The problem with this statement is that, if you do not know, and you think within yourself that the clerk at the gas station does know, then so long as he presents a statement that sounds properly smart and well-reasoned, he could hoodwink you into a belief system that is false, and he could do so under the pretense of simply sounding like an expert on the matter.
One time about a year ago I asked all the persons who are critical of the Confession or the Catechism to make up there own without cheating...
Only Van tried to do it....to his credit...he manned up and did a good job.
Most on here were clueless. Could you make your own that is superior to the ones we use?
I've been asked before what kind of "Confession" I follow, or similar statements to that effect. My answer has always been that I follow scripture. I've never pointed someone to the writings of someone else as a basis of theology, because in my understanding, only the Bible is divinely inspired. Any commentary on the Scriptures is subject to the corruption and fallibility of the man writing it. I'm glad Van took up the challenge, and I would like to read his writing, just out of curiosity. But I will not write you a Confession when the scripture exists and God's Word will stand.