Dave G
Well-Known Member
I remember when I was growing up in Independent Baptist Churches ( after I believed on Christ in 1978 ), and it seems to me that most people in those churches didn't even care about Scriptural detail very much.Yea hardly anyone reads them
Apparently they were satisfied with almost anything their pastors said, and believed that, "If it comes from the man of God, it must be true".
Now that I'm in my 50's, I've come to the conclusion that many professing believers don't aren't even interested enough in the Scriptures to check their own pastors on what is being taught from the pulpits.
To them, if it "sounds right", then there's no reason to back-check it...
Especially if it's punctuated with enough verses that appear to show it.
To me, the remedy for that is and always has been for the believer to take 1 Peter 2:2 and 2 Timothy 2:15 to heart.
That way, they grow in both knowledge and grace, and aren't fooled by teachings that appear Scriptural, but in reality are not.
See Ephesians 4.
I think that if more believers took an interest in the details ( and asked their pastors to be fully transparent from God's word on every detail of their teachings ), it would be far less likely for a false teacher to slip in unawares and trouble Christ's sheep with things that the Bible does not teach.