Hello Utilyan, so you're a Roman Catholic? What Catholics do appears to Baptists as the worship of statues and of Mary. That's the way it is, and I've seen Catholics defend it, but their defense isn't good enough, not even close. It's no game for someone to object to Catholics using Mary as a mediator. And, if my denomination ever elected a leader as opposed to the Bible as Pope Francis, I'd find a new denomination.
Sola Scriptura elevates scripture to the highest authority. You're playing a shameless game when you argue that Sola Scriptura deprecates the Bible.
I am a Bible believing Christian. Mediator sounds like it has to do with salvation. Salvation first is not the priority.
LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR God commands, first thing on one's mind is.........well is this going to get me salvation? What is this going to do for me?
We do what God says
FOR FREE. If one does it for salvation/pay that just makes one a "gold digger" for salvation/pay. Maybe that's a natural beginning based on fear for every Christian starting out.
Fact I'll pay and go to hell just to do what God says, My Christ is alive.....my salvation is DONE.
I got to believe when you do what God says its because you love God.
We differentiate to a degree Justify vs. Saved.
We don't say works justifies us, neither do we say faith justifies us. Because of Christ death on the cross I am justified. Being saved will bank on my acceptance or denial of what Christ commands of me.
We believe = bible says. Bible says = we believe.
We don't have to look for any meaning other then what is presented. We say amen to all scripture.
When we run into two verses that appear contradicting we tend to lean towards BOTH/AND as opposed to EITHER/OR.
James 2
20But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?
Bible says = faith without works is useless.
We believe = faith without works is useless.
1 timothy 3
15but in case I am delayed,
I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.
Bible says = The church of living God, the pillar and support of the truth.
We believe = the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.
Matthew 6
14“For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
15“But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.
Bible says = If you forgive others then God will forgive you
We believe = if you forgive others God will forgive you
Bible says = If you do not forgive others then God won't for give you.
We believe = if you don't forgive others then God won't for give you.
So we run into a line for example that says FAITH another that says WORKS, we say both faith and works. rather then pit them against each other in either/or.
One line says predestination, another shows free will, again both/and.
Mark 9
40“For he who is not against us is for us.
Matthew 12
30“He who is not with Me is against Me
Tradition, Scripture is a both/and for us.
Scripture says the FOUNDATION and PILLAR of truth is church. We say amen.
Scripture says Scripture is GOD BREATHED. We say amen.
Its precisely because of strict adherence to scripture and scripture not flat out stating that it is the final authority we disqualify it as final sole rule of faith.
Every foundational truth of Christianity can be found in the bible.
The bible being the sole rule of faith is not one of them. We are very against adding a rule that simply does not exist inside.
We have preconceived ideas and assumption. I can tell you a majority of Catholics if not all have believed in Sola Scriptura, probably even still do. I assume the bible is a instruction book, one book that fell out the sky never mind authors, when I was little I figure God wrote it, and God's reading material has to be over my head.