In regards to the opening post and the claim that the "free will invitation is false gospel"....
Who was Jesus addressing in Matthew 11? (see verse 7)
Jesus initially addressed the multitudes; was He speaking to all of them? The answer is unequivocably yes.
The point that savedbymercy needs to address is not the invitation, but the response.
We can shout scripture all day, to the mountains and the heavens, ensuring that hundreds, thousands, even hundreds of thousands hear it; but who will respond? (see verse 15)
savedbymercy is correct in the view that "come" is a command; just like "follow me" was a command. However, as with any command given by anyone, will the command be followed? See the example of the centurion (Matthew 8:9) Why would someone not obey the command? Because they're rebellious, they don't recognize the authority of the command giver. What happens to the one who doesn't obey the command? Punishment -- as in, in this case, the judgment.
The "invitation" is not false gospel. The command was said to the multitudes; but only the few will respond. The rest reject the command--the "invitation"--and continue on their path.