You have, once again, dodged the issue. The bible teaches that salvation is by grace through faith. How does a lost man, dead in trespass and sin, and an enemy of God, have faith in God UNLESS God opens his blind eyes, unstops his deaf ears, renews his heart and spirit so that he can believe. You keep trying to make salvation something based on man's works rather than God's grace.
I don't dodge the issue. I simply quoted the Bible for you.
Acts 16:31. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
--It can't get much simpler than that.
In Eph.2:8 We are saved by grace through faith.
The grace refers to the grace that Christ offered to us on the cross. There is no greater example of grace than what Christ sacrificed for us when he shed his blood on our behalf. That is grace.
The faith is the means of our salvation, wherein we accept the grace that is offered us.
You keep say that God has to give us faith in order to be saved.
It is a ridiculous position in that you say that man must receive God's faith to believe God. Man becomes a robot, a pawn in the hand of God without any will. Is there a command that says: Believe God with God's faith? But that is what you are teaching.
Faith is not a work.
Even if you call faith a work, then you also believe in a works-based salvation, for you also have faith preceding salvation.
Yes, he heard the word, and because God opened his eyes and unstopped his ears, and gave him a new heart, he was enabled to believe and come to Christ.
In each and every testimony (including your own) you add those words [God opened his eyes and unstopped his ears, and gave him a new heart, he was enabled to believe].
But they are not in any of the Biblical accounts. They are simply your interpretation of the account. That is not what it says in the account of the Philippian jailer or of the Ethiopian Eunuch. In the latter it simply says: "And Philip began at the same Scripture and preached unto him Jesus." The sense there is that it is the power of the Word that brought that man to Christ. His eyes were opened because of the Word. Faith comes because of the Word. He believed because he understood the Word, and believed in Christ.
"Do you believe that Christ is the Son of God." I believe.
Please! It is your idiotic works based salvation that is idiotic.
Again, you put faith before salvation also. If I have a works-based salvation, then so do you. I did like your statement awhile back. "It all happens "in the twinkling of an eye."
Yes, of course, it the bible mitigates against your position it must be because the bible doesn't really mean what it says!
I believe what God says, and I believe that I can put the Scripture in harmony with itself without reading things into it which are not there.