There becomes an obvious conundrum when attempting to survey parcel of thinking as it relates to eternity.
All science and human constructs fail to be applicable.
Basically, the Scriptures resolve to one single presentation.
One must believe that “God is, and that He....”
Therefore, all discussion in which the “uncause” is referenced is limited to a perspective in which humankind cannot but take human principles and attempt some shadowy analysis of the eternal. This in itself is not evil, but may lead to evil if it leads to doubtful disputatious determinations.
There is this promise in Scripture.
Here, in this existence, we know and see in part, but then when that which is perfect comes, beginning with the eternal bodies rolling this earth during that perfect time (millennial reign) we shall know as He does know know us. That which is perfect is the Kingdom coming to this earth. Believers in their glorified state do rule, and do know.
Speculation is fine to a point, but ultimately it is speculation.
The “uncaused” can not be held to be scrutinized by the caused other than what the “uncaused” allows to be disclosed in part.
Other than that, whatever is not of faith is sin, be it eating, worship, devotion, and understanding.