New Member
Not what I was asking. What i was looking for is where does the Bible instruct us to set a specific task for members as you describe. Where do i get the authority to tell our church members how much they will give? Where does scripture have me set each member in a ministry? Isn't that the job of the Holy Spirit. For the Pastor/deacons/elders to set such guidelines falls under the doctrine of the nicolaitians. Read Rev 2
You are reading a lot into what I wrote based on something other than knowledge of our actual church workings.
The members of our church sign a covenant where they agree to support the ministries of the church, and those ministries can come from any number of sources, including the pastors/elders -- or mere members responding to needs in or out of the church.
The discipline aspect comes in when a member fails to live up to the covenant they agreed upon when becoming a member, which has as part of its context active roles in ministry, community issues, and community groups.
You ask about "ever member a minister..."
What about this:
Ephesians 4:11 (KJV) And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
It seems fairly clear from Paul's writing that the pastors and teachers of the church are to train the saints for the work of ministry. Do we not teach that in virtually all of our churches (and if not, why not)? It is for the building up of the body, and for the work of ministry that we are called to be disciples, "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you..."
I think that you are trying to pick a fight for no particular reason based in ignorance of what it is that we are actually doing in our church. Why, I'm not sure -- perhaps because our church is growing and other churches are not? Even that seems like a weird reason -- do we not read in the Acts passage I cite above that God caused the church to grow daily, and that 3000 and 5000 were added to their numbers? Can that not happen even today?
I'm not against small church, as I said way above in this thread, I've been a part of small church all of my life. Most of the congregations were under 50 and several under 25. I've started churches, pastored churches, and been ran off from churches when their structure and lack of willingness to do what the Scriptures say to do caused them to rebel against their pastor. I'm now in a mega-church that is still a very small church, the average group size being under 20, but we all gather together on Sundays for joint service and our numbers continue to increase every day. More so, we're doing that precisely by preaching the gospel.
Here is a video of one of our sermons: