North Carolina Tentmaker
New Member
It seems like we have some kind of gap in communication here. I am not espousing failing to preach the whole word or the whole truth at any time. The suggestions are not really mine but the model of ministry we have in scripture, the examples of Jesus himself and the apostles.While your formula may sound nice my bet is thta it does not work even in your church. I live in the bible belt and the small churces Pastors all follow your suggestions but they all remain VERY underfed. The churches today are not growing in spirituality and thta is because Pastors want to be their buddies and not their leaders. While I do believe that a Pastor needs to be a friend, he also needs to love them and tell them the truth. If they are really Christians they will listen. If they do not then they are not saved. Actually to follow your suggestions violates scripture. We are to preach the word in season and out of season. There is no waiting. Speaking the whole truth from the beginning can easily be done in love. By the way unless the word is taught there is no love.
I doubt very seriously if "all" small church pastros follow these suggestions or that "all" of them remain underfed. My point is that the position of pastor in a small church is different from the larger urban church. In all cases the position is one that must be earned. You can hire anyone to preach, but before they will follow you as their pastor you have to earn that right. Not by being a buddy, certainly not by watering down the word of God, but by being consistant in season and out and proving through your life the truth you preach.