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DHK has presented us with an conundrum. He says that Satan is the 'god' of the whole world. Now, those who He has saved, He is their God. Jesus said “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."[Matthew 6:24] This is also found in Luke 16:13 as well.So Jesus said His sheep follow Him, (John 10:27) yet you say they follow Satan?
In John 8:30 some are said to believe, then Jesus says they are of their father the devil, John 8:44, and shows them their father is not the Heavenly Father. Does this all mean they were saved (John 8:30) but followed Satan?
This one was missed?Just ponder what is being extrapolated here, one is seeing satan as 'god'. Passages that abound showing God as, well, God, and God of the universe, earth, heavenly hosts are pushed aside and flat out denied in order to enthrone satan in His rightful place (by dhk).
This interpretation making satan undue 'God' on earth is hugely amiss, and the intentions laid upon Paul and on getting there are an egregious error.
Where do you live? Do you have an address? Is it in this world?
(WNT) We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the Evil one.
--The world, that you live in, lies in the power of the Evil one, that is to say, Satan.
This was written to believers, not to unbelievers.
He cannot refute it. He has avoided several postings.This one was missed?![]()
Cautious Whistling Wink Speechless
That depends on you. A good study of the First Epistle to the Corinthians is advisable here. There are such people as "Carnal Christians," who allow themselves to be both deceived and in part ruled by Satan (not indwelt). They follow the world and not Christ.
DHK has presented us with an conundrum. He says that Satan is the 'god' of the whole world. Now, those who He has saved, He is their God. Jesus said “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."[Matthew 6:24] This is also found in Luke 16:13 as well.
Now, if Satan is the god of this world including everybody, and especially believers, would not his stance support us having two masters?
Satan is the 'god' of those who worship/serve him. Seeing that true believers only worship/serve God, Satan is not the 'god' we serve. Satan is the 'god' of the world, the world being sinners in that context.
1. Are you stating that you are sinless?As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions, for it is by grace you have been saved.[Ephesians 2:1-5]
Look at how the narrative reads. You were dead in transgressions and sins, when you followed the ruler of the kingdom of the air. As sinners, Satan was who we served. He was our 'god', and not God. He(Satan) works in those who are disobedient. Paul then said 'all of us also lived among them at one time.' Who are them? Those who are disobedient. We were gratifying the cravings of our flesh because Satan was 'lord/god' of our lives. We deserved God's wrath just as much as those who were disobedient because we, too, were being disobedient. It was only because of God's grace, love, and mercy and that He made us alive with Christ, and broke the kingdom rule of Satan that was once in our life, that transferred us to the kingdom of Christ.
God came and broke us free from satan's grasp. Not one demon can take one little one from His hand now. We serve a God far greater than Satan will ever be.
Name the unbelievers this epistle (I John) was written to).You're missing the most basic theme of 1 John. It is comparing we/they. We being those of us who are truly converted, and they being those who are lost. So when you say it was written to believers it doesn't mean this was written about believers.
There is only one world. It lies in darkness. It is ruled by the prince of the power of the air, by the rulers of the darkness of this world, with spiritual wickedness in high places. The whole world lies in the power of Satan. The sooner you learn that the better off you will be. The weapons of are warfare are not carnal but spiritual.The children of God are not living under the power of satan, although you are so ready and apt to give him credit and exalt him. The whole world here is not believers, it is referencing the lost and John has mentioned the lost much in this epistle.
That you cannot admit that Satan influences you and some of your decisions is amazing.That you aren't able to make the we/they distinction is astonishing and quite remarkable. You make many of your errors in this fashion, not understanding the Scriptures, then you bang these errors out on your keyboard for all to see.
There are some posts made on this very thread that would not have been made had the posters been following the advice of the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Therefore are they giving into the desires of the Holy Spirit or the desires of Satan? You tell me.One more time:
So Jesus said His sheep follow Him, (John 10:27) yet you say they follow Satan?
You should be able to figure that one out on your own.In John 8:30 some are said to believe, then Jesus says they are of their father the devil, John 8:44, and shows them their father is not the Heavenly Father. Does this all mean they were saved (John 8:30) but followed Satan?
Did you ever considerBrother there is so much evidence against dhk it boggles the mind that he cannot discern it or see it. It is all over Scriptures and he is oblivious. It is beating ones head against a wall and seemingly a waste of time imho.
This thread is about Zion and Jerusalem.There are some posts made on this very thread that would not have been made had the posters been following the advice of the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Therefore are they giving into the desires of the Holy Spirit or the desires of Satan? You tell me.
You should be able to figure that one out on your own.
Name the unbelievers this epistle (I John) was written to). It was, all of it, written for the benefit of believers. And that includes 1John 5:19.
When one practices lying, who are they following? When one practices sin, to whom does this person belong? How does 1 John answer this? What does it conclude about those who practice these things and by implication are well known for this?There are some posts made on this very thread that would not have been made had the posters been following the advice of the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Therefore are they giving into the desires of the Holy Spirit or the desires of Satan? You tell me.
You should be able to figure that one out on your own.
You should be able to figure that one out on your own.
So Jesus said His sheep follow Him, (John 10:27) yet you say they follow Satan?
In John 8:30 some are said to believe, then Jesus says they are of their father the devil, John 8:44, and shows them their father is not the Heavenly Father. Does this all mean they were saved (John 8:30) but followed Satan?
Each person knows their own heart. But right here you have just made a false accusation. The Holy Spirit doesn't do that. I never said anything about lying. You just did, falsely accusing me. The Holy Spirit doesn't slander, libel, etc. He speaks with grace. His fruit is the fruit of the Holy Spirit to the edification of others.When one practices lying, who are they following? When one practices sin, to whom does this person belong? How does 1 John answer this? What does it conclude about those who practice these things and by implication are well known for this?
Each person knows their own heart.
But right here you have just made a false accusation.
The Holy Spirit doesn't do that.
I never said anything about lying. You just did, falsely accusing me.
The Holy Spirit doesn't slander, libel, etc. He speaks with grace. His fruit is the fruit of the Holy Spirit to the edification of others.