Two places that may help conceptualize what I mean concerning evil with good not being present.
When Adam was created was he good or evil?
When Adam choose to turn from God did he remain good or evil?
Some perhaps would state that Adam became only partially evil, but then what part remained in the garden?
As eternity begins, the Scriptures state God prepared a place called the Lake of Fire. The unbelieving are cast into that place along with the fallen angels and the arch enemy of God. Is God in their midst? Does evil not exist without the presence of God?
It is seen in the Laodicean assembly. God is standing outside knocking, and the assembly has shut Him off. Evil is present without God.
This seems that God is not omnipresent. but to accept that evil does not fully envelope the one in rebellion, that evil dwells separate from God, that evil can even separate an assembly from God are basic Scripture presentations.
Just did.
The father of all lies and liars was created as an angel of God. Then evil was found in him that lead to rebellion causing the whole of creation to be impacted.
The father of all liars and lies was not eternal.
Why not? The Scriptures teach that the Lord Jesus made all things, that nothing exists that He didn't make, and that He sustains. However, if one considers that evil is not a thing that can be touched and handled, but an attitude that resolves to sin (inordinate desire when it seizes results in sin) then such has no good. Good is not a mixture not coexistent with good. The fly ruins the whole ointment making it rancid.
Because the two are independent. One does not rely upon the other, yet one ruins the other. Job ask, "Who can bring out clean from unclean?"
If they were not independent, there would be no ability by God to separate.
This is fundamental to the crucifixion. Christ took upon Himself the sins of all, yet He was unstained by Sin.
Every believer has this attribute to strive and achieve to remain unspotted by the world.
Eternity shows the independent keeping place prepared for evil, separate from the clean.