You sir are an intentional liar and that is not vicrol
Sadly - that is yet another example of your acrimony and vitriol being passed off as errr.. umm... (not sure what you want us to imagine when you do that...)
Hopefully you will learn the difference over time.
but factual as I did present the 1689 Confession of Faith statement on the Sabbath and I did note their qualified interpretation of the Sabbath which repudiates your interpretation of their words.
No you have yet to point to any single fact as compared to my words which is not consistent.
Thus we wait for you to produce something other than vitriol.
Still waiting.
... it exposes your lies. But here I will give the FACTS once more:
7.As it is a law of nature, applicable to all, that a proportion of time, determined by God, should be allocated for the worship of God, so, by His Word, He has particularly appointed one day in seven to be kept as a holy Sabbath to Himself.� The commandment to this effect is positive, moral, and of perpetual� application. It is binding upon all men in all ages.� From the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ the Sabbath was the last day of the week, but when Christ's resurrection took place it was changed to the first day of the week, which is called the Lord's day.� It is to be continued to the world's end as the Christian Sabbath, the observance of the seventh day being abolished.
FACT#1 - They interpret the Sabbath as a "portion of time" not the Seventh day of the week.
Sadly in your "song and dance", what they state above is that "the first day of the week" and the "last day of the week" are the TWO forms of this 4th commandment observance that THEY proclaim God selecting in their own "one day in seven" rewrite of the 4th commandment.
Even YOU admit that the 7th day of the week kept from Eden to the cross is Saturday in one of your earlier less vitriol ridden posts.
"They claim" -- as you quote "
It is binding upon all men in all ages.� From the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ the Sabbath was the last day of the week,"
All your vitriol is supposedly locked up in the nonsensical notion that we cannot tell that the last day of a 7 day week is the 7th day, and that their OWN CLAIM that this commandment now points to the first day of the week - Sunday - after the cross -- is A CHANGE!!!
How sad that you are so easily moved to vitriol in service of a nonsensical complaint!
FACT#2 - They interpret it as God appointing "one day in seven" not the Seventh day of the week.
The "edit" the language of the 4th commandment claiming that it only says "keep ONE DAY IN seven" and not "The SEVENTH DAY" as is actually found IN The language of the text itself. I complain that they do that as well.
But for you -- noticing their gap between what the text says and what they "wish" it said - is merely another opportunity for factless vitriol on your part. How "instructive".
Even DHK admits that the commandment does NOT say "just pick ONE DAY IN SEVEN" and that they "just so happened to pick the 7th day" from Eden to the Cross.
How sad that your resort to vitriol is not allowing you to pay close attention to the details on this subject.
But even Spurgeon is admitting that the 7th day of the week (turns out that is the same thing as the LAST day of a 7 day week as we all know by now) is the SAME day kept from Eden to the Cross.
Even you admit to this in some of your earlier less-vitriol-ridden posts.
Where DHK differs is that he objects to their statement that all mankind was under obligation to keep the "last day of the week" (the last day of a 7 day week being the seventh day) from Eden to the cross.
But it is one of the FEW points that they make that I agree with - that all mankind was indeed under obligation from Eden to the cross (and I would say beyond) to keep the "last day of the week" just as THEY admit was the case from Eden to the cross.
Sadly your only response to such details is acrimony and vitriol.
Thus their interpretation of the Sabbath does not demand any particular day of the week.
A point that both DHK and I notice is a flaw in their claim.
A point where THEY themselves admit - that even so - from Eden to the cross it is the LAST day of a 7 day week (because they cannot bring themselves to quote the actual commandment of God and say SEVENTH day so they rephrase it as "LAST day of the WEEK") that is KEPT in honor of the Commandment that says "THE SEVENTH DAY is the Sabbath" Exodus 20. (Admittedly I am quoting God there - but they also refer to that text in their own PROOFS list).
I do not find either "saturday" or "sunday" in their text but they are as you point out careful to avoid the actual wording of God in the actual 4th commandment saying "the SEVENTH day IS the Sabbath" and make it "one day in SEVEN is the Sabbath".
As even you claim that this selection of the VERY DAY is done by God Himself - being the "last day of the week" from Eden to the Cross -
leave it to God to apply it as He pleases and so do I. "
And then end your own statement with "more acrimony and vitriol" -- "how unexpected".
I quoted their statement verbatim and pointed out their carefully used language which does not support the SDA intepretation or wording of the fourth commandment. !
Sadly in your all-vitriol solution to this topic - you insert wild fictions about the "
SDA wording of the fourth commandment" to refer to the fact that
we actually QUOTE the 4th commandment and they do not. For it says "The SEVENTH day IS THE Sabbath". (A point that
even DHK knows is not an SDA wording - but rather the actual language of the 4th commandment).
And apparently you now admit that the actual wording of the commandment is something they are careful to avoid so that you can claim that the actual wording found IN Ex 20 is the "SDA ... wording of the Commandment".
How sad that as you declare your own flaws - you can "ignore the inconvenient details" by covering it over with acrimony and vitriol.
Why not stick with the actual details "in the text" of both the Bible and the Baptist Confession of Faith - and leave your insults as a separate obligatory post?
in Christ,