A few irrefutable facts.
1. The "Baptist Confession of Faith" admits that the Sabbath was given to mankind in Gen 2:3 and still applies to the saints today. (Biblicist at times appear to agree with them on that).
2. There is no text in all of scripture saying "week day 1 is the Lord's Day".
There is no text that says that verbatim just as there is no record of the fourth commandment that ever says verbatim "of the week."
However, there are texts that use words that demand the first day of the week is the new Sabbath day - Mk. 16:9
There are scriptures that demand the resurrection day is to be observed in a special way (Psa. 118:24 "made" "rejoice and be glad IN IT") as Psa. 118:20-24 is Messianic prophecy directly applied to the resurrection of Christ (Acts 4:10-11). There are scriptures that necessarily infer that the finished work of Christ is commemorated exactly as the finished work of creation by God through a Sabbath observance (Heb. 4:9-10). There is language used only in the New Testament for things belonging to Jesus Christ "The Lord's" (1) His supper - 1 Cor. 11:20; (2) His day - Rev. 1:10 and there is abundant and overwhelming evidence from the first century Ignatius to Constantine the Great that the words "the Lord's Day" are desciptive of the resurrection day additional identified as the "eighth day" and "the first day of the week' and "sunday." There is direct evidence that the churches referred to "the first day of the week' in a special way and in regard to their worship services (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2).
3. There is no text in all of scripture saying "Week day 1 is the new 7th day of the fourth commandment".
There is in fact plenty of scripture to show that the sabbath law only demands six preceding working days and the seventh is the sabbath in that pattern of seven and this sabbath law is applied to all different kinds of days "of the week" in Leviticus 23 and to the first day of the week in the New Testament according to the proof just cited above.
Indeed, notice that God did not select SABBATH dates that were consistent with the seventh day "of the week" idea as in 7, 14, 21, 28 but dates that were consistent with the first day "of the week" application as 1, 8, 15, 22, 50, in Leviticus 23.
4. There is no text in all of scripture saying that "week day 1" is the new weekly Sabbath.
Mark 16:9 "proto" first in a new series "sabbatou" the regular term used for the fourth commandment whereas the regular term used for the first day of the week is the plural "sabbaton"
Readers please note that neither Bob or GE provide any responses to the substantial evidences I present but EMPTY UNSUSTAINED DENIALS, RIDICULE and assertions