What are you talking about? You may not agreed with my responses but don't claim that I had "no where to go" because that is simply a false hood.
1. I denied any restricted application to any given day "OF THE WEEK" in the creation or fourth commandment.
You are welcome to deny all you want -
My point was that these sources I quote use the term "
last day of the week" (in the case of the
Baptist Confession of Faith) and "seventh day of the week" in other cases. I pointed this out to you already - and you had "no place to go" but to differ with them.
You are stuck with your "no particular day of the week" as if that makes any sense at all since the Gen 2:3 text says "THE seventh day" and it is the day made in Gen 2:3 for all mankind not "A seventh day of your choosing".
This was done on Adam SECOND day - not his SEVENTH. God's Creation week Sabbath was independent of Adam "working six days first".
Here again - you have nowhere to go since even in Gen 2:3 it is the very day that is blessed - not "the general idea of one day after six days of work" because Adam had not worked six days on week-day SEVEN - the Seventh day. So the entire concept of the 7 day week from Creation onward (as even the BAptist Confession of Faith admits) relies on Adam resting that SECOND day and knowing that it is actually the SEVENTH day of creation week. So he cannot simply rest "every second day" after that first Sabbath. He must work six days before "the next one". Hence it is the very DAY that is selected and not "the general idea of any ol day in seven).
2. I stated the PRINCIPLE behind the fourth is that the seventh "yom" in a pattern of seven is the Sabbath.
Yes your own "any ol day will do" extra-biblical idea is not found in Gen 2:3. It does not say "
and God blessed the idea of any day in seven as long as you work six days first".
It is Adam's SECOND day - no "working another six days FIRST after day 6 of creation week and THEN getting around to
Adam's own 7th day".
Rather in Gen 2:3 God selects the very DAY even though it is only Adam's SECOND day of life - instead of saying "o well - just select a 7th day as it pleases you once you have worked your firs six days Adam".
Even your own "Baptist Confession of Faith" claims it is "The LAST day
OF THE WEEK from Creation to the Cross" and then claims that by contrast the "First day of the week" is being kept AS the Sabbath of the 4th commandment from the cross onward.
Here again - you have no place to go.
In Mark 2:27 the day is "MADE for mankind" when MADE - in Gen 2:3.
Ex 20
11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
Gen 2:3
Genesis 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which Godcreated and made[FONT="]. [/FONT]B
Your response appears to be "oh no Lord! Never THE Seventh day - but rather A seventh day of of MY OWN choosing", as if the text had said "God sanctified and blessed the IDEA of one day in seven as a holy day of rest". (no such text in all of scripture - as we both know)
I find that "instructive".
But since you are posting - I find this interesting as well.[/FONT]
In the case of the first - 4 in this list.
You appear to affirm these 4 points points - and DHK appears to to oppose them.
1. Made for mankind in Gen 2:1-3, According to Mark 2:27 and Exodus 20:11. The START/origin/making of the Sabbath is in Gen 2:3.
2. Applicable to all mankind even for eternity in the future - Is 66:23. [/FONT][FONT="]
[FONT="]Not "the Sabbath made for Jews and not at all applicable to gentiles".
3. Kept by gentiles in both OT (Isaiah 56) and NT (Acts 13, 17, 18). Applicable to gentiles from Genesis onward since they are included in the group "mankind".
4. Still binding on the saints today (James 2 - Heb 4
there remains therefore a Sabbath rest for the people of God)
In my case - I affirm them and I suppose that you also affirm them in some fashion.
Though you and the Baptist Confession of Faith would love to bend the Sabbath to "week-day-1" after the cross - you still claim it is the 4th commandment Sabbath that "remains" and applies to NT saints. (this is the point where DHK likes to insert "how dare you say that when you know that they are bending the Sabbath and trying to get it to point to week-day-1 in the NT after the cross). An Inexplicable complaint on his part that I have yet to find a reason for.[/FONT]
[/FONT]In the case of the next point - you and DHK ALSO differ because DHK does not claim the seventh-day Sabbath is bent away from Saturday - but rather that it simply ended at the cross. Not bent - abolished.
But to the extent that he understands that Mark 7:6-13 does not allow it be "bent" by man's traditions - I at least agree with his view.
5. Cannot be "bent" to point to "week-day-1" by the traditions of man - Mark 7:6-13.
The only place where both of you seem to agree is
a. in your opposition to point 6 - below
b. in your decision to get to week-day-1 worship no matter what part of the Bible you deny in direct contradiction to each other's points leading up to your week-day-1 conclusions. Which is horrible given that you each need your premise to get to your conclusions. (hint: If the premise is wrong - so is the conclusion.)
c. You both seem to love the straw-man-mythology that imagines that I at some point claimed that Spurgeon or the Westminster Confession of Faith or "Baptist Confession of Faith"... claimed that the Saturday Sabbath of the actual Bible continues unchanged unbent in the NT after the cross pointing to Saturday still. (As if I had never posted my point-5 above dozens of times already)
6. The language of Ex 20:11 and Gen 2:3 specify God’s own selected seventh-day of the week – not the mythical and much imagined “any-ol day in seven” idea. Ex 16 “Tomorrow is the Sabbath” – not “any day in seven that you wish”.
In find these irrefutable points - "instructive".
in Christ,